Foreman Gridcog beat a man to death with his bare hands. Well, not BARE hands. He had spiky murder mittens on, very fetching. But, man, I hope that guy died… I wouldn’t want to be alive out in the Barrens after getting so bloodied. The wildlife is vicious out there.
It’s been two weeks since the Company returned to Kalimdor, and in that time we’ve had to deal with former Board Members, a demonic possession, and only a little thing in Moonglade where we sold glitter-filled explosives to the druids. And had a great lantern show. Not every elf was happy to see us, but, they can suck a lemon!
It’s business as usual.
It’s crazy what kind of situations you get into in this line of work.
You expect your days to be filled with menial everyday tasks that are needed to run a company, but you blink and suddenly find yourself delving into a twisted dream world in search of an ancient evil Druid spirit, while your bodies outside the dreamscape are in danger of being devoured by aeons old Worgen at any second. So, yeah, just a regular old shift with BOOMTEC Inc.
I just wanted some lumber…
I’ve been struggling to find a representative from the company online on the Alliance side of our delicious Argent Dawn server. I’m a little gnome hunter who’s looking for “gainful” employment I guess you could say, if you will have me.
Don’t have a lot of RP experience but I don’t mind tagging along. Maybe as extra security?
We’ve taken a little pause in Ratchet, but even there we’ve much to do, including an extremely risky, literal out-of-body experience.
Given all the rumors going around, we’ll be heading back to Khaz Algar pretty soon though!
Nothing major or lifechanging for our company, I’m sure.
BOOMTEC has once more settled, albeit temporarily, in the Ringing Deeps! We’ll be staying here for now, so that we can head to the Undermine as soon as we are able!
Good goblin times ahead!
Having been called down to the Ringing Deeps, BOOMTEC have been hired to investigate seismic disturbances in the region because of all the work we did with the Earthen. With recent happenings at Opportunity Point, it looks like we’re about to find out, and by the coming week we’ll be in UNDERMINE!!!
It’s going to be exciting and dangerous times for our Goblins and adjacent employees. There’s the Darkfuse causing trouble in town and taking Mondo’s family, board member Professor Bogmire researching the black blood and returning to Bogmire Alchemicals HQ, old enemies returning and a whole lot of Goblins out there needing solutions ‘only BOOMTEC’ can provide.
Recruitment is open so join in now as we head on over to our new HQ above Undermine Sanitation!
The attacks on the company have been unexpected and brutal. Many employees have been harmed, a factory operated down in the Ringing Deeps sabotaged and basically burnt to a husk. This is unacceptable. BOOMTEC does not suffer such humiliation sitting down. The Darkfuse MUST pay.
Last night, the company gathered to head out to investigate rumours of increased Goblin activity in the southern end of the Ringing Deeps, beyond Opportunity Point. Goblins of various Cartels, all ran wild by a scent of plentiful coin heading to work on a mysterious and lucrative work site in a newly opened cavern… Additionally, BOOMTEC was informed that Trade Prince Gazlove had also headed down to this new area, to the chagrin of many in our company’s employ as this would make this the SECOND TIME in just a few short months that the head of Bilgewater would run off into who knows where to possibly get himself shot, maimed, or worse. So, of course we had to follow the trail.
The road to Opportunity Point bustled with activity as Goblins, eager for coin headed down the path. The information we could gleam from the travellers was sparse, so in the end it would be most productive to see with our own eyes. And SEE we did…
In the end, what we discovered was an absolutely colossal Black Blood harvesting and/or excavation site that was run by the Darkfuse company that had dealt heinous damage to our company. Goblins of all Cartels in their employ, the Darkfuse were barrelling the vile substance and shipping it by Rocket Drill to-
A city many of us had spent much of our lives in and there was a connection to it, here, in the Ringing Deeps… This was a surprise, to put it lightly. Posing as potential hires to the Black Blood excavation project, we learned that Gazlove and his retinue had momentarily put a pause on the Black Blood pipeline, but we of course knew we’d have to board the Rocket Drill and head back home to learn the fate of Undermine and tackle these issues first hand. As soon as possible.
In a couple of days, we will be heading home… But what will be waiting for us in the big city? I guess there is only one way to find out.
We’ve made our way to the city - and our office - proper, and nobody got ran over by a car.
All in all, productive night.