[Goblin and friends RP] B.O.O.M.T.E.C. Incorporated - UNDERMINE!

Returning from an expedition deep into the Netherstorm, the Battalion confuddled citizens of Orgrimmar by returning home wearing space suits and looking like they’d just been dragged through an airlock. Which we were!

After a long ride which put to the test just how willing the Battalion are to stick together and not just turn back and go home with minimal diplomatic incidents (except for when we ran through a harbourage slaughtering Draenei to get into the Blades Edge Mountains), the Battalion ended up aiding B.O.O.M. operatives and the consortium in the Netherstorm as we fought off void ethereals who turned out to be shooting down Bilgewater rocketry experiments for a reason we never managed to uncover due to being ushered out the moment we restored order in the crumbling region.

Were the Consortium hiding something? Were the Goblins of Area 52 unsettled by more than just the void? We don’t know (yet), but what I do know is that the Bilgewater Battalion is still recruiting. Please also check out the Bilgewater Harbour RP community which has been set up recently!