God mode class in flag maps

In solo rated bg (rated blitz) flag maps mistweaver monk’s mobility shall be nerfed because a team with a team with a monk healer against a team with no monk healer auto wins. It is way too harder to kill a monk healer with a flag due to their teleport ability which allows them to teleport to higher grounds, Chi torpedo and rolls.
https ://imgur.com/fvgZ1WL
https ://imgur.com/Z5NCQ7A
https ://imgur.com/C74EJqT

something needs to be done to prevent mistweavers being auto win for a team in flag map because it’s simply UNREAL to win a flag map when your team has no monk healer and the enemy team has one


All I see is tears and moans in the raid chat, get out and hunt him down instead of typing complaints, also it’s a twin peaks, which is two times easier than Warsong gulch and far more accessible.

If you can’t manage your mobility cds as a Havoc DH reasonably, you don’t deserve to kill that MW flag carrier.


i was a flag keeper in my team since you know we had both healers priests which can’t even move properly and there was no other dps in our team who could be a flag keeper instead of a dh. No matter how we kited/outsurvived enemies monk did it 10x better thanks to teleport/torpedo/rolls

Priest FC is way better in that situation, they are quite hard to kill despite the wheelchair movement


Well, if you can manage to get the priest to their and then also to your own flag room in a time span of one bg…

Yeah, nah, just don’t, people need to assign flag cappers, not a burst DPS.

I did that once as deva, and it just isn’t worth it, people need to do their jobs.

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Yo, stop talking down on people who have objective view of things you edgy guy.
You’re literally in a premader guild, you’re not Heisenberg from Breaking Bad, baby-boy.

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I do premade as I solo queue both blitz and randoms, your point is? I did not talk down on him, I encouraged him to try again, and also making several posts about the MW shenanigan is not going to make any difference because not all MWs are the same person / level, just because there’s an enemy MW doesn’t mean insta defeat, people need to ‘wake up’ and use both their eyes and brain to anticipate their moves and destroy them before they even reach their base or flag spot.

Tell me you you’ve got no exp without telling me you’ve got no exp.

Ok Cool man

Sounds like the start of a good team-talk before the gates open.

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Nerf mw disgusting broken, no monk deserve high rated bg rating, all abuse broken class

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you joking right? Priest healer can’t move when at least 3 dps sitting on him and if there is a dk in the enemy team it’s gg. Just had more solo blitz today and all flag maps where my team had no monk were lost and all flag maps when my team had a monk and enemy didn’t - easy win. Only those where both teams had monk were interesting because dps could matter something and it was about who chases monk better which allowed me to win those matches since iam good at chasing. This is so dumb to see an auto lose when my team has no monk healer on a flag map

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You don’t need a monk in order to “auto win” you need coordination & communication, if those two are missing, your team won’t expect a win. If I can defeat MW monks without them, so can you. People just assume that by doing objectives blindly will bring them victories, you need to look, pay attention to the details, and rely on your teammates communications.

communication is solo blitz? wat? even if i say STAY UP FOR MONK teleport even people on 2300 mmr where iam playing not doing it. It’s not rated bg with voice comms you know. And when one’s team healer is stucked by slows/roots/disrupts monk heal can easily teleport up and be safe or rush through the map with torpedo. Once again i play solo blitz 2300 mmr every day and my statistics is like this:
98% of all flag maps a team with monk healer wins a team with no monk healer
50/50 if both teams have a monk healer depening on dps skill and better monk.
Yeah keep telling me it’s a skill issue when iam on 2300 mmr and everyone there are not noobs

if i played Monk on CTF maps

id win 100% of the time too

but im not a FOTM reroller, im sure blizzard are aware of the mass posting about how abusive MW monk is in Blitz

Until you don’t encourage your teammates to be communicated and coordinated, you will then reap the benefits, but until then, understand why you’re losing the games, you’d be surprised it isn’t a MW issue, is far more than that and it is coming from your team and yourself.

statistics is against what you say. Blitz is not rated bg, there are not those types of people in my team who wants to listen and coordinate, these are mostly solo players who don’t care about communication. There is no time to type long messages during the fight about “how to catch a chicken monk while he runs”. This is not how SOLo blitz is played.

In addition to that, communication isn’t helping much since it’s all about abilities/utilities certain classes have. Nothing is saving in cathching a MW monk with a teleport/chi torpedo/rolls and aoe push circles. Meanwhile it’s so easy to catch a restor shaman, priest, holy pala who is carrying a flag that it doesn’t need any communication. How will communication save the situation from monk flying over half of the map thanks to torpedo/rolls while half of our team is cc’ed/stunned by enemy dps?? Nothing will help

Odd, I had a few games where people ran around like headless chickens and a good handful of games, people actually listens to me, so again, you need to insist, and keep showing the interest in leading games, or not even that, you can simply maintain a consistency of relevant informations through out the game.

Yes, solo queue means solo experience, but you’re also playing with players, not bots. With the option to queue with a friend (Healer / DPS)

You learn and improve, maybe try to anticipate the MW accordingly, don’t just tunnel him down or you end up getting baited, instead, let your team mates do the full pressure, and you instead, go another way (roof for example) and vice versa, and simply play the waiting game until the MW escapes and ends up in your spot.

Be creative, honestly, MW isn’t that much of a deal.

Very simple, you say “I go roof, you guys keep pressuring him in flag room” or the otherway around, whichever suits you.

Another point made why communication is key to succeeding.

i meant that people listen what is said before the fight starts ofc and i always write what to do, the problem is communication during the fight - the “alive” communication when people are fighting, being cc’ed, dead and monk is running. This type communication never works since after the fight starts people barely read chat. Plus it’s unreal to write so fast to make a fast plan how to catch/corner the monk FC. For the time you write, then your team read it, then executes it - monk will simply outrun and already be at the third floor of his base lol