Going to Zandalar on a new character

Hello. I only have Alliance characters and I decided to start farming some mounts, specifically the ones that drop in Nazmir and King’s Rest dungeons in Zandalar. However when i got to my newer alts, that are also level 70 but never played during BFA, i noticed that i don’t have the option to go to the Zandalar island. Now i know that i probably have to do the BfA intro campaign on each one in order to gain access there but shouldn’t it be possible to go there without all that hassle by now? Those intro quests took quite a while to do and i wasn’t a fan of them even when i did them on my original 6 BfA characters. Since so many new quality of life changes are coming it would be great to also add the option to go to Zandalar on new characters. I assume this issue applies the same on the Horde side.

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I had this problem on a couple of characters I levelled since then, and no doubt I will have it on my Remix character when she gets out of Remix jail.

I don’t think Blizzard intend that people have to do the whole “establish bases” thing, so much as they designed themselves into a corner, and would have to do some work rejiggering quests and states to allow travel between on the ship. And they’re not gonna do that.

The ability to learn all flight paths your alts know saved travel for alts in Shadowlands, but doesn’t really help in BfA.

I think they could just enable the option to go to the 3 zones at the NPC sailor/captain lady on the boat. It would be enough.

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It would, but … that might break something else.

It’s always hard to know in advance what a change will do to a system that relies on things being done in a specific order. I’m sure they could do it, and then test it for problems, but they really never want to put dev time into fixing these kinds of things.

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