Goldshire kid preying hub? What to do about it?

lol you think a handful of people are going to “destroy” goldshire? son this aint goldshire’s firs rodeo people do this every year, usually with the same pearl clutching story like the OP nearly word for word, chances are it’s a load of BS just like the last ones.

if you clowns honestly believe an actual pedo is going to broadcast it then your more stupid than you look. There’s a reason police have a hard time finding them they’re smarter than you think they are as most criminals. my advice is report the creeper and move on but you need more than 4 or 5 people i think i saw somewhere its 20 to even have a GM look at it.


Actually, no, people are actually warned and banned, mostly for public erp, but also for TRP ( I know several so I constantly remind our guildies to clean it up ), haven’t heard of bans for whispers but I guess it’s possible if whispers are inappropriate, rude, pushy, explicit, and when underages are involved.
But opinion of ‘blizzard doesnt care’ often comes from people that report harmless things such as dancing, I actually got whispers like ‘reported you for erp’ while I was just afk dancing or sitting with friend and talking ( usually these whispers are then followed by placing banners and toys on me until I’m completely obstructed and have to move to other place ). Some people go too far in their ‘crusade’ and start seeing things that are not there, and it’s of no surprise their reports don’t succeed.

With all due respect, you just publicly supported griefing on RP server. Good job!

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“You can’t catch these predators, we’re too smart for you”

that’s a bold strategy cotton, let’s see if this pays off

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nice hyperbole there. not sure where i mentioned i was one but hey, If you want you can check my trp clearly says im not into that erp nonsense.


What a shameful lie

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She’s actually right. Trolls are annoying, ERPers are disturbing. There’s a clear difference.


i’ve never seen anyone get banned for it. i report people all the time for doing it out in public

Most erp is kept in whispers, so you just move on. Even if it’s in TRP, you can report and move on. If it’s in whispers, you /ignore it, report and move on.
Trolls, however, will spam all toys and banners on you, use giant gamon skin to obstruct your character, also giant pets and everything else. Trolls will do that for as long as they want, unless you logoff or run away from them far enough. You can’t ignore toys, you can’t hide their gamon characters from your screen, you can ignore their chat but that’s it. Neural silencer helps only from some toys like football, they will still continue throw stuff into you and place stuff on you.
Just look at this - https:// imgur. com/a/UoaPFkO , and it’s not even worst kind of trolling that happens.

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Think I said something similar earlier in the thread, you need somewhere between 20-30+ people for this if there is to be a chance that Blizz might MIGHT care.
I have no real horse in this race, but if people want to do this, they need to get real organized, it basically turns into a full on raid night or something.

i think its around that, i forget where i saw it but i’ve seen it in practice myself when i report people nothing ever comes of it even for doing erp in public chat, but i have seen people get muted within minutes before for being racist in /s. I seriously doubt they will get organized. we get these posts yearly and people get riled up for a week or 2 then forget about it.

Well it’s been a week now, so one more to go for them to set up a guild/discord and schedule and so on :^)

lol im betting nothing will come of it, 5 maybe 10 people tops and they’ll troll around then get bored like usual.

Don’t name or shame them with your screenshot. You might as well get banned. The poster of this thread got silenced for a couple of days for that, as far as I know.

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“Would 'ave thought Lilynore would 'ave turned up wiv this thread.”

It was only a wee matter of time.

I don’t shame them, it’s just a preview of how Goldshire typically looks now. Impossible to do any kind of RP when you got stuff on your character and sounds of toys all the time.
People now just come to Goldshire to troll as if it’s normal. And others don’t report them because they think it’s normal for Goldshire too.
So please do report them when you see this, if you’re coming to GS for reporting reasons anyway.

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Prefferably though, there would just be regular RP in Goldshire and no ERP whatsoever. You and your guild are, as we have discussed before many times, an equal part of the problem.

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As far as I know, posting a screenshot of someone’s name in it and saying that they’re trolling (even if it is true and they did the trolling!) isn’t allowed on the forums.


But I didn’t say that. I said there are trolls, that’s all. And there are many names on screenshot, doesn’t mean anything.

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Basically posting anything regarding another player specifically, like name, identification, images etc that is soley meant to be in a negative light, is considering naming & shaming to some degree.


Then why are they trolls if they are not trolling?