Goldshire kid preying hub? What to do about it?

Hmm… Might we ask the forsaken to blight the town…. just an idea….

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Careful, you are risking a ban by showing this on the site, that’s what happened last time.




You have done the people a service. Godspeed.

Also. Looked at it. Who the living breathing hell is that desperate for that? Honestly.

Add every Goldshire participant to the scold list.


You mean the must be purged list?

Family friendly purging.

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The most off-putting thing about that screenshot is the overuse of the word dear.

That’s like 4 dears per second.


But dear, the most atrocious thing is that the dear is dearly preying on youngsters.


No, I get thats the main problem (And the Bigger one) But that is too much use of the Word Dear! Why do they use Dear so much, my Grandma doesn’t even use Dear that much! And why Just dear, why not any of the other terms you could use to sound friendly? Why did they have to use Dear in almost all of what they typed! They might as well have a Dear button on their damn keyboard! They used Dear so much it doesn’t even sound like a word anymore.

That’s it, I’m adding improper use of words to the list of crimes they’ve committed as well as ERP.

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What the actual fck. I didnt know the issue was this bad. I might acutally make an alt and help with this


Looks like something made fun of this threat, at least that’s my guess lol

https:// imgur .com/q5bOavX

Yeah except they were around before this thread though

Geez, do none of you idiots know how to write links? It’s starting to become a bigger crime than the ERP.


He only has 21 posts so he might not know. shrug

There are no excuses, Uruk! Not even Akamito’s Uncle is safe from the Laws of this Trash hole we call home.

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Agree. There’s no way they’re going to dedicate the manpower needed.

Blizz could probably cut down on the amount needed by creating some function that scans addons for inapproprite content. Perhaps searching for words / phrases etc.

Unfortunately that would still require a considerable amount of GMs to manually check what the function flags. And that will probably also take too much manpower.

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Sorry, I haven’t got time to read whole thing, but while you’re at it could you also report any trolls that place toys and banners on people for personal reasons for prolonged periods of time ( like if it’s their full time job )?
After all, trolls can be much more annoying than most erpers, and they annoy people on purpose, on RP server.
Thank you :blush:


pretends to take response seriously Oh, what I meant is that several particular trolls do their things so often it seems like it’s their full time job. I hope I made it more clear now.
As for your little insult, it’s not even worth my attention.

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We really need to swap the definitions of ‘pick up artist’ and ‘garbage man’

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blizzard tried to “Fix” the problem years ago and gave up because its too much work for such a small minority of players. so you guys can clutch your pearls all day long but blizzard doesnt give a crap.

i been going to goldshire since mid 2017 and i only ever seen one creep who wanted underage kids and i reported him but guess what? i saw him 3 days ago so blizzard didnt even bother banning him.