Good and bad fantasy races

“First Amongst the Zandalari” would be an exotic title. Or something like God-King at least. Emperor, nothing exotic about it. Hell, you said it yourself, Tsar/Kaiser/and so on are just mistranslations, because british couldn’t be bothered to learn a new word except emperor.

I have to disagree with you, Emperor is deffinietly more fitting title than a King in their case. God -Emperor Rastakhan sounds better than, King.

Oh, I think Emperor sounds better than King too, that’s not what I’m discussing, my point was simply that it’s not really an exotic title.

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Following on the mesoamerican theme, the appropriate term for the highest office would probably be Chieftain.
But as is, the term is already being overused by plenty other Horde races, even if with variations to it.

The rest of titles aren’t half as “exotic”. Even in Warhammer, the Slann are referred to as simply “Lord”.

There are other titles, but those often tilt to more specific roles of either warfare or religion, and aren’t as “complete” or fitting for a wider monarchical one.

How were the Maya rulers (the kings not the chiefs) called?

First Zandalari could be fitting with the Inca theme they have. Not my first choice, but fitting.

Not an expert, but I think they had their own word for it, which roughly translated, came to simply mean “Ruler”.
After the arrival of the Spaniards and the influx of people that started the conquest of the continent, I think they ended up getting called in the more generic term Europeans used to call their leaders; kings.

Edit: The above is weird, because Aztecs ended up having Emperors instead…
But I’ll repeat, that it all seemed like the Europeans imposing their own terms on a society that did have their own set of titles (with weird mixes with animals). Basically, they tagged them as King or Emperor in order to have a more familiar approximation to what they had back home.


The Inca tribes, for instance, took authority from the fact their ruler was descended from the God of the Sun, Inti. By subjugating other tribes, they incorporated their Gods into this pantheon, by making them cousins of Inti, etc, etc.

They also had a caste structure like the Zandalari. Not sure about the Maya to be honest, I would have to brush up a lot before being able to speak of them, but the point is that, similar to European Kings, they also drew power from a divine source, with the major difference that the European kings did not claim to be descendants of God.

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In my opinion, appropriate titles for the most powerful empires of Azeroth:

Light of all Lights (Highborne Empire, the most powerful, advanced and largest empire Azeroth has ever seen) Kaldorei Word for Empres
"Son of the Heavenly Thunder: "Tiān léi Tendo
“Who sits enthroned above all”: Zanje’jin.
Arathi empire…Emperor

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That depends on the time, some did. :wink:
Overall it’s true what you say. I like reading such insides here.

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Mostly they claimed to descend from David, not from God directly. If any ruling family has/had a lion on it’s sigil, there’s a high chance some of their ancestors claimed so.

That’s also a thing that happened sure. I meant more pre Christian era.

Whatever, can we just call it emperor? Sounds better!

Edit: on a side note, I’m Italian, to us Emperor is way less exotic than “king” (in fact, it’s not, whereas king sounds more like a German or English title) , and we had kings, but we remember Roman emperors better. Never thought about it as an exotic title, but it’s nice now that you make me think of it. To us it’s always been “Imperatore” though, obviously.

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How about “For Republic!”?

Yes, no?

It’s not evil enough but, could work too

If you want people to relate to something, you anthropomorphize it. It’s pretty self-explanatory why. It’s also crucial when you’re selling a fantasy story which in turn will help sell your fantasy game; not everyone thinks like or wants precisely what you want, and that’s why there’s a selection of races to choose from, from one side of the spectrum of what you’d prefer to the other. If you don’t like one for whatever reason, choose another. It’s very simple. The only reason the story exists is to sell the game.

Wrong. It is totally possible to create a fantasy universe where humans ain’t the big deal of everything.

Examples. Current guild wars 2 story and the universe of them dark crystal.

Writers who put in humans aka normal people into their world just lack creativity to make it relatable in other ways instead.


Humans have been the dominating force in the Guild Wars 2 story line since august 2012.

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Remind me where I said it wasn’t?

I like the idea of them feeling that the gods abandoned them though, I wish this aspect would have been explored in Classic with Stormwind. We did have some people like Benedictus who lost faith in the Light after the fall of Lordaeron, but eh.

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Not really. Humans are sidelined. Sylvari and Charr contributed much more.