I made a little blood elf paladin to tank in Shadowlands. But blood elves are soo tiny! And so skinny, they’re almost invisible. I think all female blood elves should get an evasion buff.
But I love blood elf women, and I also love CHUNKY characters. I know there’s plate pieces that change the silhouette of your character, so I’m looking for the chunkiest possible transmog that I should farm and put on her, just to make her BIG.
Also pls Blizz give Blood elf women a thicc body option.
Maybe the warrior plate mog from Antorus can work.
Otherwise I do not know, you have to get advice from those who play the skinnies (it is one of the biggest reason why I do not play blood elves in general.)
I know Argus drops very nice tmog for DHs, it made my DH lady look like a proper danger, not like a chopstick. I think the pally set in Nighthold (the bright white and gold one) also made you chunky.
The shoulders, gloves and boots do look pretty chunky, but I am not sure about the rest. I only know of the plate sets because I have been primarily playing platies during Legion.
Yeah the Antorus set is perfect for what you’re after. There’s also a pvp alternative that you can get with 12 marks of honor that’s red on horde characters!
If you’re into PvP at all, there’s also some nice pvp plate sets from WoD that can be quite chunky. Well, WoD is chunky full stop, really.