Good deal for pet collectors

In case you didn’t noticed, Blizzard introduced in Starcraft 2 store a new CE bundle. It’s called Starcraft 2 Campaign Collection: Digital Deluxe Edition.
What you get? Basically you get the digital Collector’s Edition for the 3 Starcraft II campaigns: Legacy of the Void , Heart of the Swarm and Wings of Liberty.
Together with the campaigns, you also get the rare pets hunted by collectors:
Archon pet, Baneling pet and Baby Thor pet.
For those who don’t know, until now, these CE where very rare and expensive. The only source for them was either ebay or TGC selling site at prices above 150-200$/each edition (that’s a average total of 500-600$).
Now, this bundle is on sale at 26£ (UK shop). That should be around 30€ for european players.
I suggest to take advantage of this sale if you are into pet collecting, because we don’t know when it will be next time available.


This link is at

and to get the three WoW pets, you need to buy the Digital Deluxe Edition, as Xyao says, for £25.99 or €29.99, depending on your currency.

Digital Deluxe

If you purchase the Digital Deluxe, you’ll also receive these goodies:

Legacy of the Void® Goodies

Battle for Aiur with three unique Protoss-inspired portraits and a new unit skin for StarCraft II, an Archon pet for World of Warcraft, a Protoss-themed card back for Hearthstone, and a Probe pet and Protoss transmog for Diablo III. Plus, you’ll be the most intimidating player in the Nexus with your awe-inspiring Void Speeder Mount.

Heart of the Swarm® Goodies

Represent your love for the Swarm with three Zergified portraits, a Torrasque unit skin, and 12 exclusive decals. You’ll also get a World of Warcraft Baneling pet and awesome Diablo III loot – a set of Blade Wings and a Banner Sigil.

Wings of Liberty® Goodies

Destroy the Dominion in style with four Terran-themed portraits, a Thor unit skin, and 9 unique decals for StarCraft II. You’ll also have a World of Warcraft Baby Thor pet will keep you company as you adventure through Azeroth.

I have bad reputation or how they call it and i can’t link. :frowning:
Thx for making it easier.

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Thanks for drawing attention to it. :slight_smile:

I may even consider this one myself, though I’m not fond of shop-bought in-game goods!

BTW, even if you don’t have enough rep yet, you can enter links using the </> symbol in your edit-box toolbar, like:

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Have picked mine up, thank you!

Looks like Overwatch is on sale, too, so I picked up the edition upgrade for the Baby Winston pet.

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