Good idea for shaman talent

in the name of Old gods :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m Lupo and I’ve been playing wow for 14 years, me and my friend got some good ideas for some classes and now Let’s talk about the shaman first.
So what is a shaman?
Shaman is a class that communicates with spirits and draws its power from the elements.
It shows that the shaman gets his power from the earth, fire, water, and Air
So we can still use these four elements in the Shaman Talent Tree.
(Like Priest Shadow; who uses the power of four ancient gods)
For example, in the Shaman Talent, we can have 4 branches.
In each of the branches، it can take more power than an element.
Earth Branch-Fire Branch-Water Branch and Air Branch
At the end of each branch, 4 elementals of that element are placed as the last talent and when u summon one of them, get a special buff from that element and fight alongside you in battle.
We have more ideas that we will share with you later


Good Idea <3

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I like it :star_struck:

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such a good idea , i like it :ok_hand:

Cool idea but I really like the current talents so I’m kinda scared Blizz will ruin a good thing by tampering with it

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