I just am terrified it’ll become the next AO. That game was brilliant but bots, elitism, macro’s and things which made the game monotonous killed it slowly and painfully. AO is literally just 100:1 botters to players. But if wow succumbs I hope the predecessor can learn like other games should’ve. Otherwise I’m making a multibox eradication guide and guild to try deter things
PS don’t use my name to insult others though ^^ I like to be polite to everybody I can despite difference. Helps me feel better about the flashbacks to the massacre I hosted in orgrimmar to celebrate the bfa warmode announcement
Ey, you finally get my point about grouping up in WM when outnumbered. See, always a pvp solution in WM. Grouping up to kill a multiboxer is a good way to deal with them. I have nothing against them morals-wise, but they are kind of like a pvp mini boss. Fun to kill em. But, if solo, still doable. I killed the lead solo one time and it just logged em all out. Lead was just slightly running ahead of the rest. Wasn’t the druid kind mind you. But try it. Fun
They are so rare in WM, it’s actually kinda fun to see ‘one’. They pay 5 subscriptions, so why not. If they were numerous, maybe an issue. Seeing one every month or two in WM… sorry, non issue for WM.
I usually insult people that are really annoying and only thoose that really manage to piss me off above my “allowed limit”. People that try to stick to a point of view and despite what majority of people on forum think and write, thoose people still disagree the majority by bringing arguments like: " WoW has millions of players, they dont complain on forum, so majority agree me" .
Although Coolslave its more annoying than Vaeyn, i think i will get used with both of them. I will temper my language with them, because any argument i bring its useless in my fights with them.
I agree horde and alliance players in equal way, if i think their opinion is right. I enjoy and want a fair world pvp and pvp enviroment. But what happend during last AOO , the “event” that started my “dramas” on forum, was exagerated and very frustrating. I understand wpvp to a certain point. I understand and accept that “fairness” of “duels” cant be respected in wpvp and that in any fight,the scenario will be minim 2-3 vs 1. But when you form a raid with 20-40 players and camp a plypoint, to kill lonely players, thats ridiculous. Its slaughterpvp, not wpvp.
Thatswhy, the ideeas i brought coulded ballance the wpvp “fairness”, to be a real wpvp, not a slaughterhouse.
I just hope that Blizz will never put AOO again in game. And God-forbidd to give us (the horde) the AOO. I will take that week holiday from work and camp Boralus minim 15h a day. Just to pay with the same coin. Ofc, if horde will receive a AOO quest, the forum will be full with complains and my dramas will be 0 compared with alliance players drama.
As i said above: this is our luck, they are few.
Why you removed your opinion? Say whats on your mind, dont be shy.
People have been multi boxing for years now and you’ve only just found out about it? I’ve seen lots of multi boxers over the years including in war mode and I’ve never seen them a problem as they end up getting ganged up on and camped. What’s the difference between multi boxers pre warmode and now exactly? Imagine before warmode and you encounter a multi boxer and you’re on a realm that heavily favours the other faction. Your be screwed, I’ve seen it happen before