I am sorry for my 24h absence. Sadly, the automatic system, put my account on hold because some sad people though that the truth was too painfull for them, therefor they took the action to report me.
But, nvm, it passed and i already forgot…life goes on.
I came back to share with you a little experience that happend to me yesterday and ask a question.
Yesterday, the mighty most powerfull and amazing shaman, the God Shaman Arkamedix, was doing his AP farm by completing world quests. Yes, i apologize, i broke my daily routine, usually i do it in the morning, but i came crushed from work, so i went directly sleep, thatswhy i did in the evening.
As usual, i was doing the wq with WM off, because i am scared of the bounty hunters searching for my head. Then suddently, in Drustwar, it happend this:
https://gyazo.com/ae446db278a1a863ceec2605444f6dae https://gyazo.com/22f32cad7182392fb3a1f190f6dc98d5
Somehow, miraculously, just when i saw this druid, ops, theese druids,ops this druid…(wtf? i am confused…this or theese? ) my WM auto-activated on spot. Yes a miracle. He atacked me and the result can be seen in the pictures. xD
Now as you see in the first picture, i am full with dots and “sh#ts” (debuffs). That means the druid used all thoose skills sumultaneously on me. I died in a matter of seconds (4-5 sec), i couldnt do nothing. It happend so fast, that barely i managed to take a screen while i was still alive. How he did it? Manually you cant do it. So he used some sort of software? Is it legal this ?
Because , according to this post: https://www.icy-veins.com/forums/topic/38173-changes-to-multiboxing-in-battle-for-azeroth/
…the /follow command doesnt work in wpvp with WM enabled. So how did this guy, managed to use skills and atack me with all his 5 chars simultaneously?
Yea…i know…i only complain…because i am a sad shaman, looking for attention. But lets think a little: is it moraly and ethically right to use multi-boxing,especially in wpvp? Blizzard doesnt see any issue here because multi-boxing=more money for them. But for us,the “lonely” noob shamans, equals what ?
I didnt reported the druid and i wont. Not because i am scared that he will hunt me down. Because i hope that more like him will come on maps. I hope that soon the maps to be full with multi-boxers, so that once and for all, to be prooved again, what a failure this WM concept is and bad managed is.
As usual, i hope the twink couple (V + C), my best friends, will reply against everything i said, but i will /ignore them. Or maby even /spit them (taking in consideration that i was already accused of that,so the precedent exists).
What you think boys and girls? xD
Unfortunately multi boxing isn’t something to be banned for, and others have mentioned meeting the druid squad
But it is legal, the software they use is approved and every druid is linked to a new account
I can only say you win by not spending money on more than acc
Usually when I’m flattened by a group (and I am ) I don’t go for the win in the match, but by how much I take down the hp-bar on each char I am fighting… The more time you run back to them, the more you will take down their hp from time to time, because you begin to learn the players pattern.
And as far as I know, multi boxers rarely use different spells at the same time, so you have to counter for one spell cast at the same time (and sometimes with delay if their software doesn’t coorperate correctly)
It can be an advantage if you read the incomming spell and encounter for it
"The /follow command will not work in combat with War Mode enabled in Battle for Azeroth.
Simply put, if a multiboxer enables War Mode and enters combat, they won’t be able to follow you with the /follow macro . The change somewhat cripples the ability of multiboxers to chase players and bring them down in World PvP."
…So how he “bringed me down” ?If the /commands doesnt work in WAR MODE. That means he used a external software? Wich contradicts Blizz rules? o.O
I haved WM on since begining. Never my WM was off. I was ironical with my previous statement.
Elaborate better. Give me all details, /commands ,etc. I want to know.
Ofc…what-ever brings money to Blizz isnt banned. Soon bots will be legal also…
What software? I want to know the name of that software.
They don’t use /follow command, they use a program where the char ABCa, char ABCb and char ABCc dublicate the char ABC’s commands
That’s what I’ve been told when talking to multiboxers I have come across ingame
The programs for mulitboxing is approved by Blizz - what isn’t approved is botting, that means a program running the chars without a person pressing the commands
I’m not a multi boxer myself, so don’t know the programs… But use the search function in the forum too, maybe someone in here knows the name of the most used - I know (at least) one forum dweller is multi boxer
I read this topic. I read some posts,threads,comments and so on.
From what i saw, majority of players dont agree with multi-boxing. Ofc Vaeyn will say that majority on forum is not equal with the billions/gazillions of players that dont complain on forum, so thatswhy we dont debate further.
And i dont agree also, but sadly i cant change that.
There is no difference between a bot and a multi-boxer. Why? Because, both do the same thing: automatisation.
It doesnt matter that you use one char manually and the others trough that software. The fact that the other chars (except the main) do actions automated, means that what the other chars do isnt “natural”, aka “manual” job. That equals with automatisation, wich equals with botting.
A player that uses multi-boxing gets a lot of advantages, compared with a normal player. Take transmog topic in consideration:
If i want to farm transmogs for different chars and types of armors, i need to do the same raid, with 4 different chars (for each type of armor: plate,mail,leather and cloth), that means 4x time. A multiboxer,does the same raid once. So basically, if i want to farm all raids multiplied by 4 different types of armors, i waste maby 10-15 hours. A multiboxer does the same farm in just 3-4 hours. Not to mention that , that multi-boxer has higher chances to get a rare drop (usually mounts or pets) with 4x or more chances than a normal player. Same applies for Darkshore/Arathi rares for example. Not to mention mats farming.
This in my opinion imbalances a lot the game.
Our luck is that theese idiots, the multi-boxers, are few (due the fact that they need to buy the full game+subscription for each acc).
But imagine this: how would be WoW if it would be a free to play game? Imagine 70-80% of playerbase using multi-boxing? Thatswhy majority of mmo’s ban multi-boxing.
Ok, we ended the topic. It seems that Blizzard doesnt care what majority thinks, they care only for a few extra euro’s received from multiboxer. I must accept it and deal with it. Its sad. Its not fair. Its not normal. Its not right. Its not tehnically,moraly and ethically correct. But this is life…full of unfair things.
P.S.: In the past, WoW, “prouded” itself to be one of the few games on the market that doesnt use “automatisation” in the game, like other games: Jade Dynasty’s esper (aka auto-combat) or auto-pathing. With this they will create a precedent for “further automatisations” that for sure will come in the future.
I think the problem is, to fix it, blizz would have to prevent people having multiple accounts. But mboxers have been around a long time, and seem not a big deal. Bots are worse, because there is no player controlling at all. I think wm will survive the multiboxers
There’s no moral and ethics in wpvp, as there wasn’t in the open world on pvp realms before wm. Then when people complained of gank/camp, Blues and GM’s replied something like “There is a pvp solution existing to solve your issue.”
I don’t like multiboxers, but objectively what they do is same as an enemy raid would do to you if you meet it. That seen, it makes no difference in the situation. Inconvenient, annoying yes, but unmoral or unethical, wouldn’t say so…as long as he is not botting and is not breaking TOS, he can do it…
Multiboxer here. I can help clear a few things up here.
This is not exactly correct. /follow no longer functions while in PVP combat. It works just fine in Warmode in general, but as soon as you attack a player or are attacked by a player you can no longer follow or be followed. You however do not need follow to move towards an enemy character. You can use a combination of Click To Move (found under your mouse settings) and Interact With Target (found under your targetting keybinds) to have a button that makes your character walk towards an enemy. Some classes work a bit different with it, but druids would walk right in to melee range of the target. This is probably what you saw. So, nothing outside of normal ingame functions is needed to achieve what you described.
Most likely it was ISBoxer yes, because it is the most commonly used one nowadays. There are plenty of others as well that it could have been like, Hotkeynet, Autohotkey, Manyofwow, Keyclone… No way of knowing which one. They all essentially do the same thing, which is to send your designated keystrokes to all of your game windows, or ones you specify.
This is an argument we hear a lot and oddly enough you’re disproving your own point here. If you’re saying multiboxing is allowed because of the sub revenue, then you are saying that Blizzard will allow you to break the rules if you just pay a sub (or many). Clearly this is not the case when they routinely ban hundreds of thousands of paying accounts for bots, cheat, exploits and whatever. If they are fine losing those subs, it makes absolutely no sense to claim that they would still somehow desperately cling on to lesser amount from the subs of multiboxers.
Multiboxing simply does not break any of Blizzard’s rules. Which is why the money argument has always struck me as an attempt, although perhaps unconscious, to attribute malice to Blizzard’s motives when there is none to claim a supposed moral high ground and no actually have to argue whether any rule is being broken or if the underlying rule should be changed and why. There simply is no violation to act against. If there is, point it out and we’ll be gone.
We definitely do use the follow command. If someone tells you otherwise, they are either lying or do not know what they are talking about. You can broadcast movement keys and even mouse actions, but due to slight differences in game client responses, frame rates, camera angles, etcetc this is going to lead your characters to get out of sync in a hurry. This is demonstrated here:
I’ll also point out that there is no software specifically approved by Blizzard. Blizzard will never say that they approve program X, as that would mean they need to look at everything the program does and can do and perhaps even keep up with any future update to it to make sure that is still the case. We have general guide lines as to what you can and can not do with the software, but that’s it. It’s just up to the player to know the rules of the game and not break them.
There’s plenty of non-multiboxing software that most people have that could be used to break the WoW TOS. For example Razer Synapse, or most other gaming mouse/keyboard configuration software. They have options to generate macros that execute a chain of commands executed from a single keypress. I.E. you press 1, and the game client receives 1 then 2 a second later then 3 a second later… This would be considered automation of gameplay and would be an actionable offense. This of course does not mean you can not use Razer Synapse. You just need to know not to use that functionality.
Not true at all.
A bot does not require input from the player, where as if the multiboxer stops playing, his/her characters take 0 action.
A guy with a bot can turn it on, go to the beach and sip on a mai-tai while the bot keeps playing the game, reading data from it and making decissions accordingly. A guy with a multibox setup logs in and then leaves to the beach, his characters AFK. See the difference?
Here is the thing. Not all automation in the general sense is automation of gameplay, which is what the actual offense would be.
This would automatically check whether Steve or Dave are dead, then cast either a battle ress if you are in combat or a normal ress if you are not. If neither case is true (or the spells can’t be casted) it would cast both your dots on all new enemy targets, then automatically cast Rejuvenation on whoever each new target is targetting (so usually the tank for example) and then default to spamming Starfire. Clearly there is a level of automation here. But it’s of course allowed. So you can see, that not all automation meets the criteria of automation of gameplay.
Originally multiboxing was done with no software involved at all. You’d have a physical contraption to physically press all the necessary keys at the same time, so something like:
. In these cases you are now even physically pressing each key. Multiboxing software does the exact same thing, so in Blizzard’s view a restriction on it is arbitrary as you can do the exact same thing with no software.
Think of it like this. You put a popsicle stick over your 1-5 keys and press down on it. You pressed down once, but 5 keys got pressed. Did you automate 4/5? Not really… Blizzard does not think so either and this is why multiboxing software is generally fine.
Sure, if you compare X amount of characters to your 1, then the X usually wins.
That is however not a valid comparison since you are comparing 5 (or however many) characters to one. Would it be any different if it was 5 characters played by an individual player each? No, the 5 would still enjoy the exact same benefits. Now compare a multiboxer to a group of 5 players with 1 character each, then that advantage disappears.
Unless you wish to claim that Blizzard should give different rules to some game licenses over others, then this is scenario is exactly how it should be.
This is also incorrect… For example Lotro, Rift, Wildstar, SW:ToR, PoE, Lineage, EVE, Neverwinter and Everquest all allow multiboxing as well.
I’d be happy to answer any other questions anyone else might have on the subject since I feel that with well over 6 years of multiboxing experience I am capable of answering most questions and I am a fan of transparency.
As i said above, our luck is that multi-boxers are few. Their impact on the game is not as high as bots, but it is.
I knew you would arrive here. I saw you defending your position as multi-boxer in other threads, made by other players, who disagree with your “playstyle”.
Because they allowed multi-boxing. Thatswhy, multi-boxers are not banned. Bots,cheats,exploits,etc, they are not allowed, therefor they are banned.
In my personal opinion, any type of automation, bot or multi-boxing software, that gives you a advantage towards another player, should be banned. The fact that if you stop playing and the bots still continue to play, doesnt make any difference. You have as multi-boxer quite high advantages : more drop from old raids for example, more chances to rare drop (mounts/pet) wich you can trade to your main acc to “empower” it, more chances to win a world-pvp battle against 1 player, you farm more gold wich you can trade to main acc, etc. This is as i said above, a “un-natural” advantage.
I knew you would bring a macro as example. But the difference is that with or without that macro, i wont get more drops, i am not sure i can win vs a player, i wont farm more gold,etc.
At least you admitt it.
Its allowed because of “we dont know” what-ever reason. Multi-boxing ruins the “originality” of a mmorpg. Ruins the pleasure to do the things by yourself, therefor to have a advantage or “fast-forward” ,guys like you use automatisations. Just take that druid for example: where was his pleasure to kill me? Did he struggled to do it? Did he used some tactics/rotation/skill to do it? No, he just “banged” me with 5 chars simultaneously and killed me in a few seconds. Thatswhy, WoW pvp was “thinked” to be a longer fight, to not “one shot” another player (like in other games, where if you are farmed enough, you can almost 1 shot another player), to fight with that player, to use tactics and different rotations/skills, so that in the end, when you win, to have a pleasure that you won a hard fight. This just shortens the win and gives 0 pleasure. If you find what that druid did a pleasure, then dont even bother answer.
With this you want to explain me that “shortening” a farm with 10 hours, is not a advantage? Or that you with 5 chars played sumultanously have the same chances as 5 players individually?
Lets take this examples:
Player 1 uses multi-boxing and is farming Icecrown Citadel, for Invincible mount. 1 run of Icecrown, last around 20-30 min if all chars are maxed lvl (120). You as multi-boxer, with 5 chars, complete a full run in 20 min. Player 2 has 1 main and 4 alts. He is farming the same raid, but because he doesnt use multi-boxing, he must do the same raid 5 times, thats equal with 100 min total spent, equal with 1h and 40 min. Who has the advantage?
The main ideea of a subscription based game is : TIME. Because Blizzard isnt like other games that put armors and swords in cash shop to make money easy, their main income is made by the time the players spend in their game. The more time you “waste” farming things (armors,mounts,pets,etc), the more “victorious” Blizzard is. Thatswhy Blizzard updates/patches/add expansions to the game regularly, so that the playerbase dont get bored of the same content and “reactivate” their subscription. Time, this is the Blizzard currency.
Now i have 1 question for you, just out of curiosity:
If you say that multi-boxing is ok, can you tell me: did you subscribed all your “alts” since you started playing untill now, without any pause/break , or you just subscribed your alts only when you needed “something from the game” and after that canceled the subs and played only with the main? I am pretty sure that you activated the subs on “alts” only when you needed something and that you are not paying (payed-past) regulary, every month, since day 1 untill now.
Now you get my point?
All free to play model games. Thatswhy if we look on opinions about thoose games, everywhere you look (youtube,reddit,forums,etc), you will find 90% of players complaining about thoose games and how much they suck. Not to mention that thoose games have very low playerbase, wich only this statement says all we need to know about a game.
You may NOT program your keyboard to perform functions on more than one account at a time. For example, if you press [W] on your keyboard to move forward, a single character on a single account should move forward. The keystroke or mouse click should not perform functions on more than one account.
You may not use a macro to activate the skills of a character or multiple characters on more than one account.
Multi-boxing may ONLY be used in PvE areas. You are not permitted to run multiple accounts simultaneously in PvP, WvW, activities, or in other competitive environments.
( WvW= WoW’s War Mode)
“other competitive environments” . This means something for you?
So to end this, i TOTALLY disagree with multi-boxing. This is my personal opnion. I shared it on this forum and now the topic can be closed. I cant change, even if i would like, because i am not a dev or gm.
If the game woulded have a “invasion” of multi-boxers, for sure, 100% , i woulded canceled my subscription and quit this game. As i said above, our luck (the “normal” playerbase), is that you guys, the multi-boxers, are few (rare ) and you dont “impact” so heavy on the game and its economy. But even so, in my opinion i think its not moraly,ethically and even “competitively” fair.
You dont need to reply. We could end this topic and get over it. Anyway, things wont change. I just hope you realise that what you do, is to disrupt a normal “way of life” in our game. If you consider that “boosting” your main acc with alt accounts and having different advantages , is a “fair game” , then obviously our ideologies dont match and we see differently how a mmo should be played.
Okay, what do I win? Because this is exactly what I am doing.
Of course I’ve taken breaks every now and then, but I’ve not played a solo toon at those times. I’ve just not played. I multibox. I either play multiple accounts at once or none at all. This has been the case since I started multiboxing in 2013.
And no it’s not about some arbitrary things I could plausibly farm more efficiently. What I gain from multiboxing is not having to rely on others. I just get to log in and play. No more waiting for guildies to show up to do PVP, dungeons or even raids. No more dungeon ques. No more AFKs or quitters in instances, I don’t inconvenience others by going AFK, and there is no drama. I just get to play and enjoy the game.
Then perhaps it’s a moot point to try and claim that multiboxing is not acted upon just because of subs eventhough they are clearly cheating, which was my point.
Again, any advantage enjoyed by a multiboxer because there are more than one character is also enjoyed by any group with more than one character in it. Unless you wish to ban grouping altogether, then you have no point.
This was part of a counter point to your claim of multiboxing breaking the rules due to automation. What it’s used for it completely irrelevant.
Yes… There was automation in the macro example I gave… Please read and understand what I wrote.
And once again: Would a group of 5 druids played by a single individual each struggle against you in PVP? No. You’d have even a lesser chance.
No, world PVP was always the lawless wild west of PVP. If you want fair, skill based matches, there is arena. Why do you think engineering gadgets, legendaries, other CC items, potions and so forth are all unusable in arena, while all of them are just fine in WPVP?
I however agree that it was not hard for him to beat you, nor enjoyable. I’ve done my share of PVP, and beating a single player is not fun. Taking on a group and seeing how many I can take is a lot more interesting.
Again, false comparison. You can not compare an alt character to a completely different game license. Of course 5 characters will out perform 1. This is in no way specific to multiboxing. This is always the case, whether or not multiboxing is involved.
The right comparison would be a multiboxer with 5 accounts, and a group of 5 players with one character each. Every single game license has the exact same chance to receive a reward. No advantage to the multiboxer.
Your whole point was that in a free to play model multiboxing would just run rampant and ruin everything. Now this is not the case then. OK… And those are some of the most successful MMORPGs ever. It’s pretty ridiculous to try and downplay their success…
I also find random opinions on the internet about those games completely irrelevant to the subject.
Wondered whether to write this, but okay, I will speak my mind. Arkamedix, after you complained about various things in wm, you decided to protest against a lone multiboxer which you saw once. I personally saw multiboxers less than 9-10 times in my whole playing time. If they were a majority it would become a problem (still debatable as I pointed out, because it would be equal to meeting a raid in wpvp).
It just feels that you’re mostly looking what to complain and argue about.
to be honest it is multiboxing which killed anarchy online, and it is a strange area of gray since they’re paying for many accounts to do it. however all you have to do is find the lead toon in the swarm and kill it. happens in gurabashi a lot, 4 dk’s and a pala in a bot group. pala was the main unit and the healer so we killed the pala and the dk’s went dormant for some easy pickings. problem is however, is reaching the main, especially when you have 4 apocalypses and armies of the deads lol
Gnomecapped, i expected from you a counter-argument against EsO and GW2. That they are bad companies and they are against “true” mmo gaming. Ofc you couldnt bring a argument against normality,so you brought this one:
And now i just ask you this:
If Rift, Wildstar,Neverwinter and so on are so successfull games as you say, why you waste money on a subscription based game, pay so much for the games+montly subcription, when you can play your “playstyle” on a free to play game? Go there and do multi-boxing and leave us alone. And look the bright side: you also spend 0 money. And your migration to thoose games will be very benefical for you, especially that you find “internet opinions” irrelevant.
I tell you why: because thoose games are dead. Thoose games have low playerbase, full of bugs and issues, unfair cash-shop,etc. Thatswhy you dont go there. You know that WoW is still a good game compared with the games presented in the list above. So you preffer to spend some extra money and take advantage of the “unknown” reason of why Blizz allows multi-boxing.
Ofc i complained about what i dont like. Thats the purpose of a forum. To share your opinion, praise or complain about something or ask a question that you dont know.
What you wanted me to do? Praise that “lone” multi-boxer and say how awesome is that they exist and that they disrupt our game?
You haved 2 advantages:
First you wasnt alone. Second you haved a different leader, the pala, wich was easier to spot and kill.
In my case, all druids, stuns,dots,bla bla…i couldnt do nothing to spot the leader so fast.
Really? So my arguments with transmogs/mounts/pets farm from old raids is not a valid argument? Good to know.
Then go play single-player games. There are plenty of single-player games that are very similar in gameplay with WoW or any mmorpg.
And here we go…we go to the main argument i gaved to you above : TIME. How nice that even if you didnt wanted, you admitted it. Thx.
You get to enjoy the game by “skipping” some features wich majority of players cant skip. And they call this a “disadvantage”. Right?
Yes. A group. So if there are 5 different players in a dungeon for example, i cant be sure that i can get the bis i want from boss nr 2 or the pet or mount. But you, with multi-boxing, can raise that “chance” to 5 times higher, because all the loot is yours. Not splitted between 5 players. Advantage or disadvantage?
I didnt said that multi-boxing is breaking Blizzard rules. Obviously they allowed you to play like that, so its legit. What i said is that : its not moraly and “competitively” fair to use multi-boxing in MY opinion. Its a difference. Read what i wrote above. Dont follow Vaeyn and twist my word like he does.
There is nothing to understand. When i use that macro, do i use a external software to do it? No, i do it with a feature implemented in the game. When you use multi-boxing, you use a feature from the game that allows you to controll the chars or a external program? You cant compare macro with multi-boxing, to be the same thing.
I said:
Again you twist my words. When i said WoW pvp, i meant the game pvp. The pvp mechanics, wich doesnt allow you to one shot another player just because you are higher lvl, like it happens in majority of thoose games you call them “successfull”. The mechanics of WoW’s (aka the game) pvp, is made in such a way, so that when you do pvp, you need to cast multiple skills and do a certain rotation in order to defeat your oponent. Wich results in longer fights. Thatswhy, most of arena fights last more than 1-2 min. Compared with other games where you can one shot a enemy player.
Amazing. You agree with me. I cant belive it. Vaeyn and Coolslave ( i think this nickname suits you better), you see this? xD
When i go groupping with 5 players and we farm for example Icecrown, i have 20% chance out of 5 people, to receive invincible mount if it drops. When you go with 5 acc, all yours, you have 100% chance out of 5 accounts, to receive the mount if it drops. BEcause you can trade the mount on the main account and raise that main accounts value. So who has the advantage? Me with 20% or you with 100%?
Well, in my personal opinion you choosed wrong. Just leave us and be happy. Play your “singleplayer” WoW game and try to avoid going into competitive areas (like wpvp). At least maby if we dont see you, we forget about you and this topic.
It was a rogue and a dk against that team. Our only advantage was the chaos we could make before the pala could be picked off. He had three more teams which killed us after but we did manage it. But it still isn’t easy. I just wish people learnt to socialise and made teams and not bots. People I know who are autistic can even socialise enough to not have to use a bot. I just hope blizzard kills the bots instead of succumbing to greed, tabs and macros
What a sentence. How you comprised all my bla bla in just 1 phrase. Good job.
This one really hurts. Gnomecapped? You feel yourself in this category?
I hope the same thing bro, i hope…
P.S. : For Gnomecapped and other multi-boxers here, just to let you know: Do you know what mmo or mmorpg means?
It means: Massively Multiplayer Online Game
It means that you interact with different people and do things together: do something with a common goal (a raid, dungeon,bg) or fight between eachother. It means that you interact with people, no matter if you like them or not, you talk with them, you socialize (even if you have a relation as i have with my best friend Vaeyn), etc.
For sure, MMO doesnt stands for : lets use multi-boxing and skip ques.