Good luck to anyone wanting to PVP and learn classes

I wish you all the best, the pvp balance is the worst its ever been, id even compare it to classic pvp which was busted af

Gone are the days you can jump on any class in 2v2, dps/dps on random dps and just outplay most people

But its ok, theyre fixing mythic plus first - scripted garbage


fun fact, pve got only a few minor changes, wont change anything, retail wow is over since apple 2.0 (microsoft) took the leadership

this game is now just a collectibles simulator and focused around wow hc wow dad gamers, and retail mount/av farmers


Not even that, it’s just a collectibles pasttime activity with some lidl lobby gaming


Shuffle, what an mmo we have yeah, lidl lobby gaming with a que button for 30min que session in town :joy:

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Lidl lobby gaming got me

Actually pvp class balance is one of best its ever been and every high exp player who know the game will tell you that. You can push rating on every class now.

i said 2v2 as any random comp - specifically dps/dps (NOT ROGUE MAGE for the love of god)

Healer balance is s**t just like Blizzard. The amount of work I need to do in shuffle as a rsham to win a round in comparison to meta healers can’t be even described.
Last edit: It’s kinda funny how everyone listens to high xp players without even trying off-meta (in this case, healers).

Why are you crying and being so delusional ?
Problem with pvp has nothing to do with balance , but many other things.

Dragonflight and War Within has had the MOST BALANACED PVP since Release of the game.

Go do mythic dungeons if you think otherwise.

:billed_cap: 10/char

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Yup Yup :smile:

In all seriousness been quite many balance issues in both dragonflight and tww in multiple content. And Im not refering to the druid spec, but the balance in game in general.

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Ill actually agree here and say DPS specs are kinda fair balanced,there are a few comps that are a bit better but you can manage to push raitings with variety of comps.But here comes the problem and that is Healing specs Balance,which makes the game bad for everyone. Q times are longer because those that dont want to fotm reroll meta specs and they wanna play what they like just stop playing overall.
PS: OP nobody cares about 2s bracket fella,last time that bracket ment anything at all was 15 years ago in WotLK.

Agree on healer balance. I meant dps balance to be clear.

Clearly u have no ideea of anything …