Good news for MM

  • Marksmanship
    • Aimed Shot now deals 40% additional damage in PvP (was 25%).

    • Rapid Fire now deals 30% additional damage in PvP (was 20%).

Upcoming wednesday.

Time to reload the magazines and be ready for battle.

It was so unfair to nerf Rapid fire because of the set bonus . We can enjoy again casting RF and the Aimed shot buff is here to compensate the nerf on RF at the start of the season imo.

Never “stopped” being ready! MM is awesome! Can’t wait till reset :blush:

Time to 1 tap again from 65 yards woohoo

The MM 4-set bonus is super overrated.

I’ve played hundreds and hundreds of arenas since I got it 2 weeks ago, and this bonus procs at best 2 times per game, if at all. Many < 1 min games it doesn’t proc a single time.

So essentially I’m playing half of my arenas without a 4-set bonus.

And when it procs, it’s nice but not game-changing. 3 extra rapid fire shots.

On average, what the 4-set amounts to is ~ 5 extra arrows per 2 min arena game. This is less than one full rapid fire channel. And they nerfed Rapid fire baseline by 20% to “counteract” that bonus lol :smiley:

I’m replacing the 4set as soon as I get enough crafted gear.

Edit: also the 2-set bonus used to be 20% rapid fire damage at the start of the season, and then one reset it got silently reduced by 50% in PVP and is now only 10%. So overall, rapid fire used to be 140% in PVP, they made it 120%, now they are bringing it back up to 130%, and with the 2-set it’s back to 140% exactly where it was before :smiley:

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I was so sceptical about 4set to a point if it was worth the bonus vs the mastery loss but after ur reply I will stick to versa mastery and play with my current set pc . In addition I think the 4set bonus should synergise with wind arrows .
After an X amount of wind arrows ur next RF will fire 100% more shots .

I was the first one who said that tier set bonus is somewhere between average and garbo in this forum. When others were too hyped, i was saying them ‘you will be sorry when you see 2 procs a whole bg’.

It made more harm than good at the end of the day. Stupid people cried too much without understand it, so devs tried to balance the spec around so-called op 4 set bonus. While they can’t even balance specs, tier sets bring one more parameter and make it harder. I am starting to think that set bonuses shouldn’t be active in pvp.

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