Good News Guys!

Ohhohohoh… That made me chuckle. :smiley:

Edit: I am Glowinus Prime and I am sending this message to all Blinkybots…


Me likey the overall vibe in this thread.

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not surprising i said something negative around her in a thread earlier… typical really :P…


perhaps if the game ever improves to a quality standard… until then i’m done i think.

don’t get me wrong i don’t want to leave ofc… but there is no other valid option to stick around anymore i spend all my time on the forums and that isn’t what i should be doing lol.


Well, you made farewell thread in past, didn’t you?

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they all love me really, its a hatred born out of respect.

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sounds like she is running a massive conspiracy against you.

The classic

Been there, done that

Not you, Tahra. :stuck_out_tongue:

but but… you tagged me.

maybe, maybe…

but i hear there is a big wide world out there just waiting for me to go out into it and fill it with negative feedback lol :smiley:

Yes, i tagged you because i was talking to you.

yup was my bad didn’t see the tag :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh right… This is one of these sentences that can be read with 2 different meanings.

Sorry for spamming your pre-goodbye thread Twiggz.
We might not always (or even often) agree, but it’s always crappy that WoW loses a player.


sry, was just under the impression that you were always mad at something :P. my bad

if i was wrong.


spam all you like, i wont judge, you all know i’ve derailed in the past with lil remorse :smiley:

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I know you have said previously that you are going to prioritise RL, but the winter is a coming, them cold dark nights, why not look at other games?

Don’t let your bad experience with WoW stop you gaming if it’s something you love :slight_smile:


well the thing is no other games really interest me , i been trying a few over the past months but nothing really grabs me anymore.

i think braving the cold winter is the better option at least for now until something better arises.

doesnt help that i pretty much lost all my gaming connections too and im a old dog now not one them young folks, so i just don’t gel as well with people in games these days makes it harder to make lasting connections n such…

but IRL i seem to making big improvements there as im getting noticed a lot more by people than i ever do in games :slight_smile:

so it’s not all bad.

i’ll never full give up gaming though its something i was doing before i could walk

pc gaming over 25 years of my life… i wont stop now just slow down a bit :P.



He ain’t lyin’ about the most self centered hypocrite in da Forum hehehehe

Sorry, who are you?