Good News Guys!

no one special to you obviously :slight_smile:

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Guess I’m right in not caring then

Time to move along

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sure thing bud enjoy whatever you’re doing! :slight_smile:

I was saying the same, mate

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i have a pretty good track record. usually manage to stay away for a year or two each time.

after bfa and shadowlands however, it could be much much longer this time around…

i will miss the forums most oddly… some people here are actually pretty decent even with the occasional disagreements and such…

but i wont continue to keep paying a sub just to use the forums… that would be idiotic of me xD.


Can I have your posts?

This is the real proof that you are not Twiluna :laughing:

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lol nah i’m not… i am no one really :stuck_out_tongue:


you’ll get there and further one day don’t sweat about it :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t worry. I applied to council. Wow will be amazing soonTM


Though I dislike Vulpera… you were/are tolerable.

See you in 9.2.


i join u in 3 months, unnless they make m+ gear bis for m+. beeing forced to raaid to do what i like is not fun.

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I rate your chances as highly as Bukachus!

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oh now come one… everyone knows that story,

when wow built the bridge to the wow community called the forums, rumour has it

Bukachu was the first troll to move in underneath it and no one has been able to remove him since :stuck_out_tongue:

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I agree. Buka and I have our spots almost guaranteed.

Have fun.
I remember you mentioned on one of my threads that one of the aspects you enjoyed the most in WoW was leveling and they ruined it. Hopefully they will address that in the new expansion. At least you will have 10 new levels and new zones/dungeons to explore.



Twiggz… im a bit disappointed… the thread title it had to be’:“good news everyone!” with a fantastic citation from wotlk.


Then followed by “Bad news everyone” no offence, Twiggz - hope you come back one day


Sure, if they go for the edgelord troll demographic it’ll be a tough choice. I’ll go with zero to no chance personally.

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Yeah there is a small chance i will return should things improve in the areas i like… but i wont be so quick to jump the gun and expect it to be better this time around. they already fool’d me twice, if they do it again i will officially be a clown lol.

@Tèsla Had i only thought of it lol missed opportunity indeed .

@Alagondar Yeah will see what 10.0 brings i’ll still be keeping a close eye on things even after i am gone.

Expectations 0% though right now.

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Oh, thank you very much… all I’ve ever been using was a lipstick and a nail polish! :nail_care:

I’ve seen more forum PvP than world PvP to be perfectly honest… the community is better than in-game, just the same. :joy:

Can I have your TL3 so I can spam this thread with useless gifs? :upside_down_face: