Good Recovery - Recruiting for mythic SoD

Guild: Good Recovery
Server: Ravencrest EU
Faction: Alliance
Raid Days/Times: Thursday & Monday 20:00pm - 23.00 realm time
Current Progress: 3/10m / 10/10hc

We are are currently looking for more players to expand our mythic roster, preferably ranged dps but can consider all roles. Applicants will need to have at least SoD HC experience and relevant gear.


  • High attendance
  • Good performance & attitude
  • Knowledge of your class and spec
  • Working mic & ability to talk
  • Be organised & prepared - researched relevant fights, have consumables ready, be up-to-date on power progression and gearing opportunities outside of raids

About us
Good Recovery are a 2 day raiding guild that formed at the start of Shadowlands. The core of the guild has known each other for some time and we offer a mature, stable and competitive environment. Our aim in Shadowlands is to achieve CE each tier, while having fun along the way and keeping to 2 days raiding each week to allow for irl social life and commitments.

How to apply or contact us
If you are interested in applying please get in touch in-game
BNET Lazy#21337 - Lazy (Officer)
BNET Regank87#2588 - Rek (Officer)
BNET Glordif#2217 - Zel (GM)

Still looking for a few more players for continued mythic progress. Whether you are looking to join a new guild for mythic, or are perhaps part of a smaller guild trying to get into mythic raiding but struggling with player numbers, then get in touch and lets have a chat to see whether our plans and aims could align :slight_smile:

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