But that whole part about Pelagos having compassion in his judgements is rubbish.
Sorry, but I’m not giving Blizzard a free pass here.
They could have chosen any storyline they wanted, they chose this one, so the flaws are their own to deal with.
And although Pelegos is presented as a benevolent Arbiter, then he is not presented as an all-loving and all-compassionate God.
Revendreth is still there.
You can’t say that Pelegos will allow people to choose their own afterlife whilst ignoring the fact that Revendreth is a place for sinners to be absolved of their sins.
Maldraxxus is still there.
That place needs able soldiers from specific souls to serve in its army and help protect the Shadowlands. That’s why Draka ends up there and not wherever Durotan went.
The story point of the new testament - the point that sweetens the whole deal of the Human afterlife - is that Jesus died for our sins.
Everyone gets into Paradise. God forgives all. God loves all.
That is not the afterlife that Pelegos and the Shadowlands presents.
What does the compassion of Pelegos amount to? Revendreth and Maldraxxus still needs souls and there are still souls of evil criminals and fine warriors coming to the Shadowlands. Is Pelegos just going to send them off to Bastion because they want to go there and he’s compassionate?
It’s crap story. If Blizzard wanted to go the whole route of us seeing that the Shadowlands was truly a messed-up afterlife and then subsequently fixing it so it resembles something akin to Paradise, then this sure as hell ain’t it.
It’s exactly the same as when we came. Pelegos may have words of compassion to offer, but Blizzard aren’t exactly explaining what that compassion amounts to in practice.
And he doesn’t come off as the all-loving and all-forgiving compassion of God, because then he should have forgiven Sylvanas of all she had done.
So it’s still a flawed and unjust afterlife.