Good Rogue Names

I am looking for a good name for my rogue. I want to have a more of an actual name and less of the PvP names (Stabbyface, backstabbed). I also don’t want names like nightshift or darkblade

The names will be for my female Void Elf.

I’m not really good at names :<


How about “Lightsout” or something to refer to slipping into the shadows? I’m not good with names, as I just play off Smith (my surname) :slight_smile:


If you want something that sounds like an actual name you don’t look for a good rogue name then. Actual names have nothing to do with what person do and how they fight. What you’re looking for is a good Elven name.

For example: Aldira Darkstrider.


Stabby, Nike (because you know sneakers), Mcstab, nightshade, imnothere, nowuseeme, hidenseek, lost, hidden, rougybear, just a few or the best go for Steve or Dave




I’d say it’s still possible to pick a name that fits both, it’s just more complicated. You ideally want to pick a name that has the right phonemes and sounds so that it evokes the class rather than outright states it.

For example a Human Paladin might have a name that is a convincing Human name, and then also sounds very dignified. So you might use “ion” or “us” as word endings, like Tyrion or Magnus etc.


As Cedrad says, OR, you can find a name that it’s going to be the character IC nickname. Like, a rogue that’s known just by the name of “whisper” or “longfingers” yadda yadda


Sneaky Pete!


Rogues to me kinda suit going by a surname. You know, like an old-timey Dickensian villain. It’d certainly open up more possibilities regarding names than if you simply stuck to forenames.


I prefer to find a name that fits the race over the class…

My elven characters have names I think sound a bit elven, like this character…

I also have a Dark Iron dude called Dagrim and an Orc named Nalrok as well as a Tauren named Galm. Among many others.

I usually just look at NPCs of the race and see what names they have, then try to come up with something from that…

Elven female names in this case would be along the lines of Ithenril, Silwen, Elythra, Ylweth, Nalwyssa etc etc…


Then why comment.


If you want an actual name (as In race fitting) your class is irrelevant, as no classes require people to rename themselves (DKs and DHs seem to have very class esque surnames so maybe they do to some extent)

As a void elf naming conventions will be similar to thalassians (belf) but it seems by npcs many rebrand themselves with new last names (it seems weirdly coincidental that all of the velf used to be belf with shadowy stuff in their last names)

So anything that sounds elvish really. I will plus one the post that mentioned last names for rogues as char names. I agree with this, same for warriors.

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Have fun. Alternatively, pick a word, throw it into google translate to find something you fancy, then change said translated word a bit.

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i’ve always liked the names Stabitha and sneekums for rogues unfortunately stabitha is probably taken one by some level 5 probably who hasn’t played the game since classic and other name I got :stuck_out_tongue:

but for rogue void elf could look up synonyms of sneak then add stuff like lyn, or, ums like creepums, creeplyn creepor, sneakums, sneaklyn, sneaklor



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lookoverthere, sawmetoolate, doomsong, charonspal, ribsplitter, scoundrel, thievingit, steelnsteal, tagnswag, darkndirty, THEPURPLE, defthands, spendinurgold, thisllhurt, poisondart, vassassin, soullessvoid, abhorant and my personal favourite, yourparentswontmissu

you might not be able to fit the last one in to the naming box


How about “RoguesDoItFromBehindExceptWhenTheyAllowedFrontalBackstabsBecauseOnlyBackstabbingFromBehindWasTooDifficultForMostOfThePlayerBaseSoWeHadToBuffItWhilstJustAddingMoreDamageFromBehind…Player”


Well, I suppose you could try Garrette, being both a femalization of the protagonist of the Thief games and a wordplay on Garrotte for maximum Rogueishness!

But it’s probably taken. And a few tads too Rogue-y IMO.

Better off just taking a random elf name.

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I think it’s also important to reflect the Rogues spec; I play 3 Rogues named:

  1. Lawdude (Outlaw)
  2. Subdude (Subtle)
  3. Assdude (Assasin)