Good rp-pvp server?

Hello there,

i’m searching for a good server to do rp but i am aslo interest in pvp of all kind.

I would like to know if it’s worth it to play this way on rp serveur, since i see it’s pretty unbalanced and people there seem to dislike pvpers.

Or, in other word, is it better to create character to purely rp and create other character on a normal server to play pvp and pve ?

Hope i don’t do a double of an another subject.
Thanks for your answers

There are no rp-pvp realms, only rp realms. Seems like Argent Dawn is THE realm for rp. Has good potential for RP and PvP. I know of at least one Horde WPvP guild you can fight, The Scarlet Crusade.

However, if you want a consistent supply of Horde in WM, any normal realm would be better imo.

thanks, actually i will pvp on both side so i need a good supply of both side ^^
I just point that out beceause i have a alliance character on the forum but it can change

Good supply of Alliance on normal realms too! :slight_smile:

Okay thanks i’ll see what i do…

…okay after searching i saw that the main reason why i did go to those serveur (50/50 A/H) is dead beceause of rp sharding with argent dawn, so i prefer being in a unbalanced realm that at least play pvp seriously, i’ll just create alt to rp in argent dawn.

time to change main i guess…

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