Raid Times - Thursday/Sunday/Tuesday 19:30-22:30 GMT
The Goofy Goobers are a group of semi-hardcore raiders, headed by officers who are irl friends based in the U.K. Infamous on Mag-EU, our community was first established in WoD, where we cleared HC Highmaul and BRF.
After a small break, we returned in Legion where we pushed into mythic Emerald Nightmare, downing 3/7 bosses and becoming a well respected mythic team on the server.
Late to join in on the BFA action, we have recently transferred from Alliance to Horde under the new handle of “Goofy Goobers Reloaded”. With a solid 10 man team, our progress stands at 7/12 HC bosses after a few weeks of raiding, as we now look to expand and gain curve + more.
Please reach out to me in game to discuss availability and ask any questions you may have. (BattleTag #Loms2290) Or whisper Lomz, Sharmio, Fellus or Clopper in game.