Googles t mog without engineering

hi all googles I see on AH require engineering. Anyone know any googles I can get that not require engineering? ty!

Get the mogit addon and see what goggles you can mog and how you get them.

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For horde it’s a bit harder, because…

There’s gnome heritage armor goggles… (see my char)
The bee goggles.

Don’t know any others from the top of my head, but the appearance collection on your char should give you an idea of what’s attainable. I do know, since you’re a mage, there’s cloth helmets:

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Don’t require engineering.


Also you can find a pair of Google from Millificient’s Manastorm in Legion Violet Hold.

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these I like but hard to get :&/

I have Speedy Racer Goggles.
No idea where I got them but they don’t require engineering.

What this fine bearded gentlemen said. Easiest to acquire.

According to WoWhead it was a reward from a quest that was removed when Cata hit.

The ones I am wearing.

Mimiron, 10-man Hard Mode Ulduar.

Mimiron’s Flight Goggles.

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Are there any goggles that add on to your hat?
Like my hat, but I want some shades to go with it. Does something like that exist?

^This… my mage that I am levelling has them.

Oddly though, it says they are only available in classic, from the dungeon in Tanaris. Whilst I played TBC there, I don’t recall getting them, but wowhead says they are no longer in BFA

King Mecagon (Hard mode) grant a pair of google to someone also.

Maybe some help from here :

Lists if it requires or does not require engineering.

And then theres

and then theres

And probably i forgot something.

Racer goggles are from the quest in Thousand Needles that used to reward Carrot on a Stick (Ghaz Rilas fang, I think). Absolutely nobody took the goggles, ever, because the trinket was pretty much the first one you would ever see when questing.

Later, in I think legion, they changed the legacy transmog system to where as long as you had done the quest, you got the mog from all the rewards. So logging into a character that had owned carrot on a stick unlocked the goggle transmog.


… and I love this change. I keep saying that being MMO and that is one thing, but for me it is also RPG and I always have this thing in games where I like to dress up cool … or least matching said characters personality and all my 45+ characters have their own personalities.

Sadly there are no models in-game at the moment that has a hat coupled with goggles as far as I know (except Gnome Heritage Armor Helm) and you can’t add on to your hat because there is only 1 slot for each equipment piece (head, shoulders, chest etc.) and Hat/Goggles slot are considered as a single equipment slot (Head) - So you will have to choose between a hat or goggles. :frowning:

More options is always good, especially when this item was removed before transmog was even a fleeting thought in anyone’s mind. There are so many interesting or unique models from pre cataclysm quests that were simply never taken because their stats made no sense, or another reward was significantly more useful.

I love my vial of chloroform (this sounds so wrong) and kobolds candle I took (mainly due to its flavour text, admitted)! And I do admire players, who show some class and style with their characters. Killing mythic bosses and being gladiator is all cool, but personality is cooler in my eyes.

And I am honest, I always picked the carrot too and without your post i wouldn’t even remember that there was another option.

Pretty sure theres pink goggles you can get somewhere in outland via questing too and its one of the few opening quests at the area where you can buy the old TBC pvp gear

Junior engineer’s goggles. Quest in netherstorm.

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