Got kicked out of my DND group for still playing WoW

That’s just you but i am the opposite in my country nobody minds that because at some point in their lives they played wow.

If that is all there is to it, those people aren’t what I would call friends, so I’d say you’re better off.

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How is someone a “n*zi” for playing world of warcraft? Honestly think your friends are degenerates and don’t let people like that influence you. Reality is that majority of the wow players are innocent, “normal” and kind people… Just cause theres a disgusting/horrible scandal surrounding video games you like, you shouldn’t feel obliged to stop playing.

Got the feeling this is just another troll post, but in case if its real, do whatever makes you happy and stop catering only to what other people want… that will surely make you depressed in the long run and they wont have respect for you anyway

Can’t say you lost.

Did you literally say that that you don’t care about what happened? Because if you did, then staying subbed to WoW is not why they kicked you out of the group.

I was kicked yesterday from the grocery shop for playing in WoW! WPLM! (warcraft players live metter).

Haha, imagine chosing friends that are delusional, that’s on you.

wait he plays DnD? can we kick him out of the forums and wow?

God bless Shakes & Fidget :smiley:

:smiley: you call them friends?

well nowadays in sanctum lfr if you wipe
you get ppl going mad about it and start with the"vulgar" words and harassment
as if they cant separate irl and in game

you cast the rocks you gotta live with the what they hit when they fall.

the dnd group sounded a bit nasty anyway tbh… but in fairness if they believe that strongly against harrassment i can understand why they acted that way.

Yeah, because a covered blanket approach is really a good idea.

Some friends…
You are way better without them

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