Got to go fast

Blizz, whenever you implement ranked blitz please change the “got to go fast” quest to wins or just flat out get rid of it. There are so many peeps who just afk/don’t try and I can imagine this will happen in the “real mode” without any changes to this quest.

Apart from this, loving the mode!

Blitz’s only saving grace is the fact that it rewards 50 Conquest for each win and 25 for a loss if you don’t lose by a country mile. If it was standardised like rest I wouldn’t queue for it at all outside of the weekly quests.


I just wish they took the existing bgs and made them rated… Don’t like all of the new ‘features’ in blitz


Surely they already did that, or am I just imagining Rated BG’s? A lot of us don’t want anything to do with rated PVP, that’s usually where the vilest of the vile and the most toxic of the toxics can be found.

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That’s right, this is why I avoid arenas too because players are so hell bent on cheating it’s unreal. Then you have like half your opponents using a whole bunch of emotes macro’d to most of their attacks and that’s so annoying to see. You know the kind of person you’re up against when you see that and I just don’t want to give them the satisfaction of killing me, I’d rather just ditch the arena if it’s a clear loss.

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Hell no.

That means I may have to 10-15 of them to get 3 wins.

Thanks, but no thanks.

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This. I agree. However, I do like the mount speed.

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