The Alliance consist of powerful cultures and groups bound not by desparation or necessety but by their deep commitments to abstractconcept like nobility and honor. The High King of the Alliance is Anduin Wrynn (who is also King of Stormwind) and High King’s Advisor Genn Graymane (who is also King of Gilneas). It is not a uniform governmental body but is a coalition of mutualmilitary and economic aid and is headed by the Alliance Assembly. It contains the Kingdom of Stormwind, the Kindom of Ironforge, Gnomeregan, Darnassus, Exodar, Gilneas and the Tushiu Pandaren.
Whats the point ?
The Horde is a gathering of angry losers and high school dropouts who started a fight club inside a giant hole in the middle of the desert. Their system is all about honour, except when it isn’t, then they just backstab Alliance and pown real hard.
The Warchief is the sole dictator that governs the entire Horde, without any system to decline the warchief power, an unlimited period of service, and the right to decide the next warchief without the say of its citizens. This position has never been abused ever, since the best way to dispose of an unpopular warchief is just to start a civil war and murder him, so they can select the next dictator instead.
The Horde contains the Angry Green Beans of Trashcapital Orgrimmar, the Trolls of our-empires-used-to-be-better-than-this-I-swear, the cowboy hippies of Thunder Bluff Festival, some zombies, Elves for some strange reason, Gobbo’s, and also Panda’s just like the Alliance, but these pandas share the philosophy to be constant giving in to their impulses instead of thinking like rationalised normal people, making them the perfect candidates of short-term-memory and ADD collective Horde.
Kinda funny, kinda true. My like of the day goes to you!
Love it, best summary ever of the Horde. Or at least of how we are seen by the devs xD
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