Hey guys! I really need some help. I have this recurring issue with my PC and I can’t seem to find a solution.
The issue is that I go from around 140-200 fps anywhere at anytime in WOW to literally anything between 20 and 80 fps at max. This happens over time, like - I do a complete reset of the PC and reinstall everything. Then I run the game smoothly for a week or so, and then it gradually lowers the fps over time. About a week after the complete reset, it starts lowering again. It has happened 5 times now over the past two months. I’ve done 5 total resets of my PC. I bought the PC of my friend two months ago. He’s not really a tech-guy, so he didn’t notice anything the few months he used it.
I’ve tried everything. Clean reinstall of both BIOS and windows several times(deleting everything on SSD). This seems to fix the issue for while. But only for a while, and im sick and tired of having to hard reset the PC every two weeks.
As you can probably guess it can’t really be a hardware issue, since the PC’s specs should easily run WOW at 150-200 fps. And it’s done that many times. Just only for a week or so. It feels like WOW is somehow corrupting my PC, but is that even possible? I haven’t played anything but WOW since I got the PC.
Could it be the PSU?
Also, as of right now the PC’s clearly not working. I’m monitoring the CPU, and it whenever im not touching anything it says 3545 MHZ. Whenever I open WOW or anything else, it drops to 100-800 MHZ. That’s not normal, is it?
Do you use addons and if so have you tried without them? Some addons create databases or logs and they can get pretty big over time. That uses up more memory resources and can impact your FPS. May explain why it is fine on a clean install and then over time gradually decreases.
Does not sound like a PSU issue from what you describe.
I do use both weakauras and addons. I’ve also thought that it might be one of them corrupting my PC, but I’ve tried removing everything related to wow (wow included) and still the same issue after reinstalling both wow and addons. Maybe I don’t know how to completely clear the addon cache, that could be a reason i guess.
Also, I use Elvui - do you know if that creates databases or logs?
Addons shouldn’t be able to corrupt your PC but they can effect how well the game runs.
When you uninstall WoW it tends to leave some folders and files behind such as the WTF folder. This is where addons save all their settings/data. So unistalling and re-installing WoW and your addons may not clear the data. This would also explain why it runs fine after a clean install of Windows.
Most addons save data of some sorts, some very little and others a huge amount. It depends on what their purpose is.
I’d suggest running the game with no addons installed at all to see if the issue persists then. Note that just turning them off in the character screen does not fully disable them (it’s rather buggy).
Assuming you have installed WoW in the default location, go to: C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface
and rename the Addons folder to AddonsOLD.
C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\_retail_
Here, rename the WTF folder to WTFOLD.
That will disable all addons completely and remove all addon data and reset game settings. Your can rename the folders back to their orignal names later if you want to restore everything.
Just wanted to make sure that you’ve closed things like Discord and other apps. Typically this is due to apps or even your browser wanting to update. You can set the Microsoft update to pause every 7 days. So check to see if you need update. Also, when this is happening, Open your task manager to see if something is loading while the is taking place. An FPS would mean that something down the line, you’re getting interferences from outside sources. DownDetector shows that there is a major hotspot in the middle of the US. So I do not know if your country has a site like this where you can check your connection while viewing a map of hotspots. I do know that something called pathping would help others who know how to read this data to better assist you.