Grand Marshal and high Warlord transmog vendor?

Whats the deal with the people who achieved rank 9 back in classic wow not being able to transmog these set pieces ? Back in the day they added a ‘Replica’ vendor to area 52 but there is nobody there. Now i’v spoken to rank 14 Grand Marshals who are having the same issue, I even opened a ticket and the response i got was literally just the information they have on their help page copy and pasted word for word even though it does not address my issue.

Could someone please tell me what the f is happening ? Mogging that set was one of the few reasons i had to play cata classic and nobody seems to know whats happening with it.

The whole QA department was fired LOL

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Same for me, i think the ingame bug report does more to get their attention. Their first level support handling the tickets often don’t know what its about. Transmogging was one of the main reasons i was grinding rank 10 in classic.


Same for me, please someone look into this!

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