Grand melee change cannot go through

But it doesn’t matter.

Why do people put so much value in things to 'set apart" players when it just feels terrible to play with.

Ok let’s put the benefits vs deficits:

1: It an annoying maintenance buff that’s just annoying to play with and doesn’t feel good to press over any other ability.
2: it slows down burst damage when you need to refresh the buff, while also making the opener more convoluted than it has to be.

1: It allows people to stroke their ego about how they are a better player for properly managing a buff that you keep up 99% of the time anyway, aside a few very specific situations

Come on, seriously? Do you seriously think that it’s worth the tradeoff? I bet people made the same argument about savage roar, even though no one liked it, and it was objectively bad for the rotation.

You know what’s a good way to add skill into a spec while not adding unnecessary filler that no one likes? Keep it rolling, those kinds of abilities are great. And far more impactful than what slice and dice could ever hope to be.

Let’s be real here, gameplay should always takes priority over mechanics that no one likes but they are a “skill factor” of the spec. There is a reason why they removed these maintenance buffs for the most part, but for some reason slice and dice sticks around like a booger in your nose you can’t get rid of.

Most great player do not even like this ability either, it’s just annoying.

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Again, I don’t think that its annoying. At least so long as the frequency is right.

I don’t think they dislike it so much that they want it gone. Some might.
But the “most” part of that is pure fiction/projection

No it isn’t. Literally almost no one likes slice and dice, and yes, they would be in favor of it being a non factor.

And you should know this, if you ever talked about this online.

This conversation is over as far as i’m concerned.

Feel free to share your source and attached factual evidence.
But as someone actually in that scene, I don’t see that at all.

You want evidence? Try to make a post about how you like slice and dice on discord, or any forums, and you’ll see.

Try to ask around people whether they like slice and dice or not. Try to think why spells like inquisition and savage roar have been removed, and why they have been removed, and notice that they are very similar to something called slice and dice, hhm… Makes me think.

You’re just ignoring the reality of the situation.

But you’re gonna find some other excuse about how you’re right and i’m wrong. And how i need to provide my sources and peer reviewed study on why slice and dice is bad. And then even if i do, you’re gonna find some other excuse on why the study is wrong or in bad faith, or the sample size is too small, or whatever the hell you can think of to disrepute the argument and go back to a circular back and forth of me providing evidence and you dismissing it.

I mean you’re the one beating around the bush mate.
Offering opinions not of yourself based solely on anecdotal evidence.

At least I’m not making any claims. Just saying that I don’t see it from my gameplay or the people around me.

I see so my claim on how i see people talking about how they dislike slice and dice is a claim.

But you saying " Just saying that I don’t see it from my gameplay or the people around me." is not a claim.

Just get out of here. I’m done with you.

No. You’re claiming that X is a fact. I’m saying that my experiences don’t reflect that at all.

Those 2 are very different things my man.

Says the guy who plays only Sub.

A couple of things they can do if they wanna continue with this.

First of all they need to make blade flurry a better button to press.

They could accomplish this by making blade flurry initial damage generate 1 combo point for each target it hits, and with grand melee generate extra combo points if it only hits 1 target and increase it’s duration to at least 15 seconds. Under this circumstance you would press blade flurry on cooldown in aoe since it gives you a lot of combo points, but in st you would press it only when you actually need to. But at the same it wouldn’t feel awful to press because it still generates combo points.

Second, they need to make slice and dice passive, or current grand melee a passive that all 3 specs have. No one likes pressing slice and dice.

Third, and this is beside the point, buried treasure should be changed to give you 1 extra combo point, so you can use up to 8.

My friend 3 years we have like the least changes and from those its 1 buff then 3 nerfs. Nobody in here is reading this from Blizzard nor anybody plays Rogues from devs to figure out the specs. its a pity

I like pressing slice ‘n’ dice.

Back in the days when roll the bones appeared and could replace s’n’d I stayed with s’n’d even though I knew it was a dps loss 'cause I preferred that play style.

And s’n’d is not simply a passive, I don’t know why people think that… it increases attack speed which means more off hand attacks which means more energy proc’s (previously from combat potency now it’s called “Fatal Flourish” talent) and so it literally means you get more energy and can spam abilities faster which was always the entire point of combat/outlaw. Hence it gives you more of that style of play and literally changes how often you’re pressing buttons.

But what do I know, I’ve only played combat/outlaw exclusively since vanilla WoW and I like to try soloing elites on my rogue, which is apparently weird and not what they’re designed for. :smiley:

So yeah, I say keep s’n’d as it is and also keep or give us some new leech ability or talent. :slight_smile:

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You don’t like slice and dice, you like the increased attack speed it provides. You didn’t like slice and dice in legion, you disliked the fact that roll the bones costed combo points and was so unreliable and “forced” you to re roll again and again until you got the correct roll, or at least 2 rolls. Also, there was significant downtime in the rotation with roll the bones in legion, which was not nice. In other words it was the lesser of two evil, but they had similar issues, just roll the bones was worse.

Same as me, it’s not that i don’t like increased attack speed, the problem is that can be just provided baseline, or as a passive increase in attack speed.

Nothing about slice and dice makes it a better button to press than something like dispatch. It’s just an annoying maintenance buff.

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Grand Melee change should never go through. It is just bad and a ridiculously zero effort change. Grand Melee was atleast good because when Shadow Dancing (with CTO) you didn’t have to worry about pressing slice and dice, simply because most of the time Ambush / Dispatching did the work and procced Grand Melee and then the next spender you already had it on you. This would be one of the worst changes happening to Outlaw in a long time. Pressing SnD just feels bad.

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I agree, but the problem is not actually grand melee.

It is pretty boring by itself. This new grand melee is not very great, although it is better in terms of damage than what we currently have.

Though i would rather have something like even faster attack speed, compared to this.

But there are ways they can make it better.

The real problem is that slice and dice, and blade flurry feel terrible to press.

There are ways to solve this though, as i said in my original post.

And the thing is, they should do this regardless of whether the new grand melee change goes through or not.

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I have to agree with OP, the change looks awful, unimaginative and just terribly horrendous to play around…

It provides nothing new or exciting to the current gameplay (it’s just same old - same old) and drives the Outlaw spec even further into the “RNG” and uptime dependency. (either bake it into the current Grand Melee or leave it as is)

Also on a slight similar topic, hey Dev team how about you do some actual work on the “talents” instead? huh?
Bring us back “Bonespike / Flagellation” options for Outaw instead of this halfbreed ambush-shadowdance of subtlety abomination that we got at the moment.

Although if i have to be honest, i don’t expect any positive changes to happen.(or any at all)
As i’ve said a couple of times before, i strongly believe this is the Dev team’s attempt to “force” people away from Outlaw, thus promoting other specs. (ONCE AGAIN)

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I dont think this is true simply because sub is more played than outlaw. I don’t think there is an agenda against outlaw, simply, there is a lack of care and knowledge about how the spec plays. They’re just shooting blanks and trying new things that result in the number changes they like, but ultimately worsens the play style of the spec and makes it feel very bad to play.

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I feel like at this point, outlaw it’s not about the numbers as it is about the gameplay feel. I do not enjoy the spec at all since they changed the FtH back in 10.0.5. Now they buff numbers instead of just nerfing the numbers back then and just don’t touch the flow on the spec. For me it feels like I can’t be consistent while playing outlaw…RtB feels like gambling at casino, RNG is really getting on my nerves lately and even though I was never the kind of person to vouch for “bring back combat rogue” “get rid of RtB”…well, I think it’s time for something new. RtB must go away, this spec deservers better. At this point it feels like whoever is in charge of the class development and design has no clue what is doing…ngl it’s a bit unsettling looking forward as every change they do to the rogue it’s just getting from bad to worse.

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