Grant me your wisdom

I’m trying to decide what to do with professions and i got a few ideas but i need help making a choice.

i dungeon/raid and pvp, these are ideas i’ve come up with.

(Blacksmith/jewelcrafting) (alchemy/inscription) (Tailoring/enchanting) (skinning/Leatherworking) (Herbalism/Mining)


(Jewelcrafting/Enchanting) (tailoring/enchanting) (blacksmith/enchanting) (alchemy/enchanting) (Inscription/enchanting) and (Leatherworking/Skinning) (Herbalism/mining)

My Mains are Death knight/Druid/warlock
Alt are Warrior/shaman/paladin and a hunter for Skinning most likely
probably an evoker for Herbalism/Mining

Why not be like bs/miner on a dk etc? Like ur doesn’t massively matter does it unless you want a specific item on that char

i wish but with the new professions it makes it very annoying to do it like that, in the past a character with herb/mining was the best way to go and still is, but for the main professions it’s a pain due to the work order system, you would have to log in and out alot to check the work orders or message in trade chat and if i got dual main professions that cuts the logging in and out by half.
another problem i got is you get alot of epics to dishenchant and i’m struggling give up enchanting on all my character except one for professions like Blacksmith and jewelcrafting together.

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