Graphical enhancement!

Hello friends,

I was asking about some graphical enhancement was offered by WOW FANs. i watched it on youtube

Is that enhancement could cause BAN ???
Is that is modifying any core game files ??

as i understand it is a personal interface only changing models with the modern one… only appears to you, not across the game server. same as if you were using RShade or something !

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Anything modifying the game file is bannable. I know your intention is not cheating, but what if someone modified the Alliance models to have huge spikes on them so they could be easily seen through walls for example? (Yes, this has been done already)

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Altering anything in the files or in memory is against the rules. Blizzard scan for this.

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Thank you :slight_smile:

I wish blizzard be more flexible and add feature ON/OFF modern models :slight_smile: as a personal graphical interface

Yes you will be banned if you use 3d party programs like that. Blizzard see that you use some 3d party stuff but they cant see what 3d party programs unless you are speedhacking or stuff like that.

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They tried. It crashed the game. I think they will not put the needed work into this.

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