Graveyards too close with flying

I know that blizzard doesn’t really care about pvpers but I wanted to know the opinion of the playerbase on this topic.
So why are graveyards - for example in Nazjatar - so close to each other (for players with flying it takes literally 5 sec after death to get back to body)?
It makes it impossible to win 1vs2 for that reason and at the same time deletes death punishment. One opoponent comes after another and you can’t even get out of combat. For me that is actually the biggest flaw of flying in ghost form.

It’s a problem but it solves itself when you die several times and get these increased timers, therefore it’s somewhat balanced.

I wouldn’t say it solves itself. It is a solution for bigger fights like 5vs5 or 10vs10. But it doesn’t work small-scale.
I Think you have to die 2 times in a row to have 15 sec wait time. So essentialy 1vs2 transforms into 1vs2 but 3 times in a row - without a second for player 1 to recover.
Current system works only when you want to corpsecamp somebody… because 3 players killing 1 player 3 times is way more likely to happen than one player killing 3 players at once three times.

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