Clearly i am talking about Cata.
Read the thread luv
That be true, levelin ain’t the same since wotlk/cata.
Welcome to Cataclysm. Cata back then was the first McDonalds-Expansion of WoW.
There is no way you can die while questing, everything is so easy and braindead streamlined that everybody reaches 85 in just a few hours.
Then come the dungeons, which we got in the nerfed variant and also the raids are coming which - again - will be released in McDonalds-Coupon mode.
No, leveling is good. I leveled new character and never outleveled any zone.
This is one of the many reasons Cata classic is so polarising.
The change in the leveling experience is so different it might as well be a different game from vanilla through wrath.
It’s not interesting leveling a new alt in cata classic, as it feels almost indetical to retail, at least to me.
Of course. The EXP requirements have been nerfed 3! times up until now and quests give way more exp.
I dont quite see the point of making a tolpic about it. I can only recommend you to quest on vanilla realms, but you will also get grey quests there if you do every zone. Trust me, ive done it.
Cata quests are written a thousand times better than vanilla/tbc quests. Btw, you can still have the vanilla “journey” in cata - just dont do quests and grind mobs till you are 85. Youre welcome.
If the journey your looking for is grinding for hours on end in the Feralas Naga cave because there aren’t enough quests you can always play on era.
Retail 4.0.1 in 2010 was roughly one single level per cata zone.
80 to 81 was either hyjal or vash.
rinse and repeat. It was slow…slow…slow
You have to have them in nerfed condition the classic andys are rly bad at the game like rly bad i cant even belive it sometime, also most of them are 80 year old which means when they log in wow its like a new game everytime so yeah its kinda sad but pve players are rly bad.
This guy gets it
This exact complaint existed back in 2010 aswell.
This is the classic experience.
I remember back then how people wanted xp scaling etc, so they could stay & complete a zone. And how it sucked that it turned green/gray before they finished.
You can probably search something alike & find an old forum post if they still exist.
Undercover wotlk andy detected. opinion rejected.
Still I find it weird. Made a Warrior Alt during Pre-patch and specifically didn’t give her any Heirlooms to avoid overleveling. Went through Eversong (she’s Blood Elf);, Silverpine, Hillsbrad, Both Hinterland Zones and now doing Western Plaguelands and while she’s 46 I never ran into an issue with the quests turning Grey. And I’ve done occasional dungeon runs as well. Green sure but those still give out full reward.
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