Great "Classic" experience

Levelling is too fast.
I cant even do a zone without my quests going green/grey

Amazing “its all about the journey” experience


You must have clicked the wrong classic play button. The one you are looking for is World of Warcraft Classic. Enjoy your journey!


I’m talking about cata which is why its in Cata classic discussion…


Ah! My mistake then! Here I thought you ALSO clicked the wrong forums page. This is the cata journey experience. Not sure what your complaint is then. The questing journey was in classic Era, which is still online. So go have your utopian journey there.


Weird are you using Heirlooms or something? I’ve never turned any quest to Grey within Level 1-60 range. Slightly overleveled yes but nothing major and that’s with 10% EXP perk.

Im questing in Cata…
Are you trolling?

Nope. No looms.
It kinda sucks as i really want to complete the zones but currently im 33 quests into Dustwallow Marsh (achivement is 60 quests) and my quests are already going green

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Why? You are clearly not enjoying it. You can get the ultimate journey on Classic Era. Cata is where the focus has shifted to the end game. For better or worse. Probably better, since Blizzard kept Classic Era servers up.


And you know how i feel do you? LOL

Doesn’t take a sage for that. You are crying on the forums.


Im stating a fact that quests are going green/grey before im able to finish a zone.

Do people like you always think feedback is crying?

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Feedback? That gave me a chuckle, thanks.
If you want to complete a zone without them getting grey, then start a zone earliest possible. Following the story zones linearly is gonna get you ahead on exp. So skip a zone here and there to complete full zones.

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I started it at the intended level.
Not my problem Blizzard cant balance XP properly

I’ve already skipped a zone when I finished the prev one, im still getting greeen/grey quests.

What are you finding it hard to understand?

That your “feedback” lacks substance. I lvled a rogue by only quests. I was able to complete zones just fine, granted I skipped a zone here and there. Either you are wearing heirlooms, or you are doing RDF as you quest. That OR human and dwarf zones are balanced better questwise.

Im only doing RDF when I finish a zone. Im level 41 and only 33 quests into Dustwallow Marsh (avhievement for completion is 60 quests)
Why are you finding it SOOOO hard that im saying Im having green quests?

Are you being difficult for attention or something?

Every single time i leveled in vanilla i would end westfall with too many quests left over, Or darkshore with too many quests grey and green all the way up to 60.
Now in Cataclysm by the time I’m done with a zone I’ve finished all the quests and perfectly inline for the next.

Could say the same about this post. I would respect it more if you wrote it more critically. This is a ¤#%!post form of “feedback”. Who do you actually expect to read this and not think you are s#!%ting on Cata?
Even two users here confirmed as much as I did, in regards of zones being completable. To me, you are a poor actor.

Also, yes. I am studying for exam next week. Needed a small break, then I saw your snarky post.

https: //ibb. co /M9bJPKx

You want proof or something???

Like i said. im level 41, quests are green. Im not acting because im telling the truth.
God people are utter dense nowadays

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Cataclysm was known for the levelling experience being accelerated to the point where you’d outlevel zones before you finished them pretty much every time, and often by a lot. We also have patch 4.3 which has the nerfed dungeons and even faster XP rates between 80-85, I don’t know the exact numbers but feels about 20-30% faster.

But not sure what to tell you, I’ve said it for years, Cataclysm is the worst expansion in the history of the game and it completely changed the game to the more modern era. Of course I’m still having fun, there are redeeming features, but ain’t nobody should be coming to Cataclysm looking for a “Classic” experience.

You’re surprised Cataclysm seems bad? Don’t be.


I dont get you guys. How you can complain about the green / grey Qs before you leave the zone.
Yes, the levelling is accelerated and not it is not just in Cataclysm. I have never completed full zone before leaving in Wotlk either (yes, even without loom and JJ ). However, Cataclysm gameplay is moreover targeted on the end game, which is for the majority more fun than doing Qs in some zone.

But if you enjoy spending time just running around the world and doing the same Qs all the time and running back and forth, just do your thing, dont care about green/Grey Qs .
I dont logically get it. If you complain about fast experience gain and therefore you want to spend more time there, you should simply not care wasting your time on Qs which does not give you experience anymore and just enjoye lore

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u gotta be joking or something because clearly aint cata u talking about and besides if u want real classic leveling :stuck_out_tongue: u can go on classic era really fun and loved by people getting boosted for gold