Great Error WOW51900118

Good night. Lets try again tommorow.

Yeah, because we cant even cancel subscription right now because of “server error”.


Please make a change org petition so Blizzard(HARD) can be debated in parliament

Dont lie to yourself :joy:

You can still buy a store mount tho!

I would understand if all the servers and logins were off and no one was playing, but most of the ppl what was logged few hours ago still paying fine… Just 2 hours before path go live logins go bust, sound suspicion… Maybe that’s new tactic for blizzard so that will not have 20+ hours login waiting times? Every time a new phase or server starts, it’s the same issues… How many times Blizzard need to mess up to learn to do stuff right… Feels like just typical don’t give a … about customers and let everything go down and fix it later… Still can’t believe I’m paying for that game…

Well there goes my wow playtime for tonight.
Cant even log into any version of wow.

Only noticed it went down 40 minutes ago? FYI its been down for 3 hours.

If this was the US servers it would have been resolved quickly but as usual blizzard don’t give a flying F about the EU player base.


WOW! ABSOLUTE CLASSIC BLIZZARD… Typical, logged on to buy the blue scarf from the trading post and this happens…goddamit this is what I pay you for. :frowning:

stop whining abt yr 15 euros. i just wanna know if there is a timeline on a fix - stuff happens, sure. but my time is wasted atm, watching guildies lvl on disc, id like to go to bed if this is going to take all nite??


Give us some news here blizzard

I just want to play man :frowning:

So unable to log in for 3 hrs now …

EU Draenor Server WORKS AGAIN, uuuhh… for me atleast :wink:

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it works, 4th try, but got in


can confirm. just logged in!

The issue has been resolved and all EU servers should now be able to log in. Thank you for your patience everyone.


Not for WOTLK you cant


Still can’t log in to WOTLK


Sort it out for WOTLK please
Or do we not matter?