Great Vault : 2 weeks of Delves 7 and 8 only unlocking 584 items

Hello there,
Last week I did a single Lv 7 Delve but the Great Vault tab would only indicate Current reward 584 (lv 1), complete a delve lv 2 or higher, etc…
And this Wednesday after reset that was what I indeed got.
Now I just completed my very first lv 8 delve, and I get a similar message on my pannel : reward 584 - (lv1), do a delve lv 2 or higher, etc…

There is obviously a bug. When will it be fixed?

You need to do 2/4/8 delves respectively to generate proper rewards:

Make sure that you’ve collected all rewards as old ones will stick around till they’re picked up before new ones are generated too.

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Great Vault at 616 for delves requires you run Tier 8 or above, and to unlock all three Delve Slots you would need to complete 8 x Tier 8 Delve during the week up to reset

The Delve reward in the Vault is in the same category as the Open World Content. So if you only do one Delve, the lowest of the two will be taken; prob some World Boss killed leading to the minimal reward.

Do at least 2 Delves on level 8 to get one option of 616 gear in the Open World category.

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Your first slot in the Delve row for the Great Vault is the lowest of your top two Delve / World Content clear.

Since you have done a Delve 7 (rewards 616) and an Outdoor World Content (rewards 587), the lowest of these two is the Outdoor World Content.

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