Great Vault - World row reward issue (Delves)

I did around 12x Tire 8 delves this week, and Great Vault says that I’ll receive “Item level 616 – (Tier 8) Reward at Highest Item level” for 1st (Complete 2 Delves or World Activities), and for 2nd (Complete 4 Delves or World Activities). For 3rd one (Complete 8 Delves or Word activities) it’s says “Item level 584 – (Tire 1). Improve to item level 587: Complete a tire 2 delve or higher to increase this rewards item level.”

This is 2nd time I see this issue for me, last reset it was exactly the same. I’ve got to choose from 2 x 616 ilvl item or 1 x 584 ilvl item from Great Vault. This is not an “refresh” issue a suggested by support bot, as 3rd spot was unlocked immediately after I did some world quest. I did relog, and waited some time.

Blizzard, you here?

Hi there Incogniter,

Around 12 is a bit subjective and if you’re not actually keeping track manually I’m not sure that’s good reason to believe you’re getting the wrong rewards.

The third reward slot would be based on your 8th lowest delve, so based on what you’re seeing you still need at least one more at tier 8 if you want another reward on that level.

Also if it unlocked after completing a world quest, that would have been your 8th activity, which counts the same as a tier 1 delve.

You can also read more about this here:

Yes. Ui writes total nonsense. It says ‘do delve t2 to bump itemlevel’ while im doing only t5.
Did 10x t5 this week, planning to do at least 10 more