Greed is unattractive

I see we have resorted to calling me a shill. It’s a shame when people have to resort to petty name calling or outright lies when they dont’ have an argument to present.


I was replying to Emobear not you and I used the word obligated because people keep bringing up how they’re “loyal customers” and therefor should get something in return ASIF Blizzard would be obligated to do such a thing.

As for empathy, that’s real easy to talk about but not so easy in practice. They can’t just flip a switch and act like nothing will change.


Stating facts. @Jito can confirm it.

there’s plenty in OP. you refused to read any and instead, speaking of resorting, accused me of saying things I didnt say.

So is this about altruism or about you being annoyed with Blizzard and using the current climate to demand free game time? Yes they will be losing more customers but mainly through the current climate rather than the I hate the current/previous/next expansion.

Please don’t call me pathetic, I resent it and as Punyelf said, name calling is not needed, if you don’t like what I say feel free to say so without being rude, I have done you this courtesy and I expect the same in return.


Stop with the petty bickering please you are a good person inside you don’t need to say these things . Focus on the point you have and stick to it .In a time like this we should not be bickering between each other its now we should be working together this squabbles have to stop .
It is not kinder garden just move on if you don’t like somebodys view.

Could blizzard do more ? maybe but keep on pushing and they will resort to there usual charity tactic and put a pet out .

If you cant afford to play i’m sorry I wish I could help and sure it helps take your mind off the world for a little while but you have to think of there staff and costs too its a whole big picture we need to look at and not a sample task .


yes. 100% buff totally useless.

As I said multiple times previously, I dont need game time, I got plenty, had enough to help out few friends too.

and As I said previously, no one’s demanding anything. its mostly suggestions and concerns from customers. :slight_smile:

I never did, was referring to the behavior.

I mean as I said its not much different, and Im suprised they didnt go with it :slight_smile: we know how it worked out last time. limiting the amount of charity and what not…

either way Im sure some people would be equally excited for their cHaRiTy pEt tAcTic :)) as they’re for this buff.

exactly my point:

I said it before she’d start attacking and accusing me of saying things I never did :slight_smile:
but I agree, if someone doesnt agree with my views they can simply move on to the next thread and farm the comments there, or get back to playing the game they enjoy so much and use their 100% extra exp buff.

I think releasing a charity pet where 100% of the profits go towards the aforementioned stuff would be a better move than giving free sub, as far as the ‘public’s interest and global wellbeing’ goes at least.

It would have a cynical underlying motive in tax breaks or whatever, but it’d still be money going towards something absolutely vital.


Maybe I wasn’t clear enough, what I was saying is that you seem to post how this reduction in subs or free game time is to help those who need it, but then you also take the opportunity to have a dig at current and previous expansions. So is this truly because you want something for others or is it just a complaint against Blizzard using the current climate to make your point? If the game is so bad in your opinion why advocate free subs? Or continue to play yourself if it is so bad?


I dunno if you cant afford one payment you shouldn’t be playing WoW imo and if you can, you’ll have the free time to farm gold to continue playing? Obviously for some people its an escape and whatever, but yeah, if I lost my job i think the last thing I’d think about is how am I going to keep playing WoW and tbh, I would just farm gold if I wanted to keep playing and I had to.

I mean, they’d literally have to make it free for the rest of the year with the trajectory this virus is going in which who knows, maybe they will do at some point if subs go down enough.

The new CoD battle royale is free; they could go play that, I hear that’s fun. in fact, I’m downloading it right now to play with friends who are in quarantine.


Point is Blizz is one example of a big company in an industry that is not gonna be to affected by a epidemic/pandemic. Cause their customers (us) are used to doing the things people in quarantine are doing: Spending time indoors.

there is bound to be alot of depression, pshyciatric diseases, alcohol/drugs and in some cases suicides the coming months.

Playing a game like world of warcraft can be a good thing to many people who are not used to isolate themselves / spending most of the time indoors.

alot of businesses are facing bigtime trouble: Oil companies, hotels, tourism, trade, fishermen, hotel, taxi, basicly almost everything that runs the society. However gaming companies are not amongst them in the same scale.

We are encouraged to have solidarity with businesses, gyms, artists, what and whonot, so whats wrong with a little solidarity the other way around, i see none.

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mate if you cannot afford 10 euro a month to play wow then you have way more serius problems and shouldnt play this game.

especially when you sit at home in the evenings and dont spend money on nearly nothing besides food.

harsh but true

A shill is someone paid by a company to pretend to be a paying customer and mislead others.

  • I express only my own opinions
  • I am not paid by Blizzard
  • I am a paying customer like any other

You may think it’s acceptable for people to insult others to try and score points but I am not interested. Blizzard does not owe anyone free game time and I don’t need to resort to petty name calling or in this case an outright lie to try to say that.

Blizzard have done something for it’s loyal customers. Whether or not people like it is their choice. I love it, I appreciate it, I am enjoying it. This is something that is keeping me busy. Free game time does not.

It’s also worth noting that World of Warcraft is not the only game out there. If people feel so strongly that they are going to suffer emotionally without access to a free game.


I have not insulted you, nor have you insulted me. So how do i think that?

if some unlucky people these days got some free game time, how would it affect you?

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You are not wrong.

They could probably still break a healthy profit even if free playtime was on the table and given the current situation many would be appreciative.

Should they?
Completely their choice and I can’t really fault them no matter what they decide, it’s their property, we just borrow it/play on lease.

People should stop flooding supermarkets and isolate to stop spreading disease too, many do not.

It’s just the world we living in, this virtual world is one of the only ones I’d pay for in such a manner that I do, it helps me escape on many levels and I wish it could do the same for others yet one glance over the forum and it clearly does not, there is entitlement on many levels, I do not think asking for a month is the worst, I think the people who think the game should bend to their will is a worse entitlement, this is blizz/activisions baby and they deserve to foster it however they wish, we are blessed to have the choice to like it or leave it.

Unless you are over 70 or currently exhibiting symptoms, home delivery of groceries is not an option. So whilst I appreciate what you have said, there is still many of us who need to shop for necessary items, rather than bulk buying and making the current situation worse. I did shop this morning, I took the necessary precautions, in fact we were told that we must leave a reasonable distance between other shoppers even at the tills, people were happy to wait and follow the rules, at present it’s the best we can do.


This is about a minority of posters acting as if Blizzard haven’t responded to the current situation. They have.

If my financial situation demands it, I go without certain luxuries. There are lots of free games out there.

This has zero to do with how those demanding free game time getting their way would affect me. Everyone is in the same boat, we are all going through the same social distancing and are all at home. I am grateful for the buff and I think it’s a lovely gesture.

I am disheartened how some will exploit any situation to beg, demand, expect freebies.


Of course, I’m human too, in-fact I have less than three meals in my house due to how things have hit in quickly and the fact that most of my meals would typically be provided on the job, I’m not running to supermarkets in a rush however, you live in poverty for long enough and you come to realise a bag of rice can do you for a week if it must. Not that I expect people to take things so drastically but the sheer scale of things currently is over the top, people are hoarding and looking out for number one meanwhile the most vulnerable are left to suffer the consequences (actually I’m also very lucky here as people around the community here are offering food, shopping and prescriptions for anybody who needs assistance), the people who are over 60, have nobody or are ill are the ones in need, not the majority who flock the stores currently and fill their cuboards to bursting point.

It’s not a surprising matter really, all it ever takes is a little push and society shows how cutthroat is really is, you and I may might only vy for what is needed but many do not and it just contributes to escalating things further. My kudos to the workers in the supermarket, underpaid, undervalued and currently holding our society together lol.

I agree, I was also happy to see that all the staff were wearing filter masks and gloves. At the entrance to the store, disposable gloves were being given to shoppers, they also extended opening times to cater for shift workers at the local hospital so that they get the opportunity to shop too. I applaud everything they do and yes they are undervalued.