Greed is unattractive

Hello community, terrible times ahead, its crazy outside, I hope everyone is doing their best to keep themselves safe and stay home as much as situation allows them to.

I believe this is one of those rares times where we, humans, have to stick together and help each other as much as possible. It’s time for reflection and its time for unity.

to get to the point that made me create this thread:
I’d love to share my concerns about how Acti-Blizzard, a multi billion company is choosing to prioritize their greediness over well being of people, and its own customers, and how little they value customers.

Im sure a lot of you, just like a lot of people around me, lost their employment until “a later date”. which is at this point “at least a month” but subjectively I believe it will be much longer. regardless a lot of people lost their income, some have savings, some dont. it’s crazy out there. If you’re still employed or getting payed while your job is on hold, good for you, Im genuinely glad for you, but we gotta understand a lot of people lost their income, and considering how most people have only once source of income, it means they wont be getting any more money, and they’ll have to reduce their spending - prioritizing utility bills and food, as well as household items.

Now another issue comes up, which is actual quarantine, meaning people arent allowed to go outside unless there’s 100% necessity. so Just to make it clear, it’s not just that people lost their income, its also that they’re not allowed to socialize, arent allowed to entertain themselves, and yes some of us are able to sit home and not die from boredom. (e.x books, video games, just sitting on discord and having good time, I get to work from home, etc.) but some people are having a really bad time and this is just the beginning.

Now I gotta admit, a lot of companies worldwide reacted to this crisis in a positive way. and when I say positive I dont mean people opening their windows and throwing out money, lets be realistic it wont happen however doing “something” to help people deal with crisis is a great gesture.

for example, Airway/flying companies reduced prices on their tickets or made them absolutely free for their own citizens.
Amazon offered Free shipping
Phub offered free membership etc. etc. etc.

It’s a crisis and Im sad to see some people dont realize it yet.

Its understandable that companies wont be giving out food but Im very sad to see that blizzard wont be helping out those who need help the most.

Im referring to A LOT of people who wont be able to afford sub in those times, due to crisis. people without jobs and income who’re forced to quit the game they love, who’re forced to not have access to entertainment because its a choice between food and video games. and what do blizzards customers get? people who supported the company and their games for years.
100 BONUS EXP!!!

that must solve it all right? a lot of people wont be able to play the game any longer, a lot of people wont be able to pay their subscription and instead of a move that’d allow those people to enjoy their quarantine just a little bit more, we get 100% BONUS EXP!!!

To me personally this looks like a move to tempt people to get back to the game, a cheap marketing move. awful.

a lot of my friends will be quitting/quit already, and my guild officially disbanded yesterday. I shared my gold with my friends so that I can help them just a little bit more during those times, but sadly I have limits and I wont be able to help out all my friends.

Im surprised that blizzard didn’t just gifted us a pet or something of that level of a joke to “compensate” for crisis and bad times, but this 100% bonus exp isnt far from it. sad.

Yes certain ways to help out people may not be profitable, but sometimes we humans have to reject our own profits, and accept less profitable ways for greater good. that’s what makes us humans, ability to empathize, alltogether with other things.

and the reason blizzard’s been losing big chunk of its playerbase is because they value short term profit over a long term profit and high quality, valuing of customers and all the good things that bigger companies do to keep their customers happy and loyal.

Also no, certain compensations and good gestures wont affect blizzard employees so dont bother mentioning it. employees get 1-2% of company profits at the most.
I understand a lot of people dont know how business works but if that’s the case please dont pretend you do.

Now another topic which I believe is very important here - Blizzard employees have said in the past that subscription isnt even half of profit wow makes, hence why they’re not too bothered about losing player numbers, and that game sustains itself in other ways.

that’s another reason why blizzard could make game more affordable for a lot of people, a great gesture, that’d earn them respect.

I am really trying to not sound offensive and therefor Ill be stopping my thread here, because I believe I made my point clear.


I am not one of those who ask or expect free game time.
But(yeah famous but at the start of the sentences ) not just it can be gesture it can also be good advertisement!
"Nice word travel far ,bad word travel further " old wisdom !


You can make a Token worth of Gold in few days by herbing… And farming gold and free time go good together.

I would even say you get a Token worth of Gold in one month by just playing the game a lot. And not spending big on cosmetics.

So you can play for free in exchange for your time playing… And time is something ppl without job in quarantine dont lack.

And to think you wrote an essay about a problem which does not exist.

People without Jobs in quatantain can easy make Gold for a Token… If they want to play WoW…



Greedisgood 9999999

Didn’t you cheat in WC3?


definately Im not asking for free game time, as I mentioned I have enough gold to keep me going for as long as I want and I can make 10x that amount in certain period of time.

this is not a my personal problem if it makes sense, its a community (worldwide) problem, a problem we’re all facing together, regardless of countries. we gotta respect each other, do our best to keep each other safe.

there’s a reason a lot of people respect quarantine. sure Im not sick but I dont go outside unless i 100% have to, to avoid spreading virus even further.

Its a time where we gotta unite and work together to overcome this threat.

Dont get me wrong, I get the point you’re making but most people dont have ability to make good amounts of gold without turning enjoyment into a chore. yes you can farm herbs 4 hours a day and maybe you’ll afford a token but at what cost? stressing yourself even further and more?

my point is, blizz could easily help the cause. but instead they decided to play a little pretend game, and value short term greed.

definitely, Blizzard was always a company that was about quality and valuing of customers. I’ve gotten 3 and 1 week free sub in the past after I talked to customer support, a time i needed to farm up gold for subscription.
and in my eyes that 3 days was a lot, it made me feel like I was valued as a customer and they cared to keep me in game.

I finished WC3 reforged campaign yet again without a single cheat! on hard difficulty!

I think that everyone realises how serious this actually is, WoW might not be up there on their list of priorities TBH.
Blizzard probably should give one month or do something to ease the burden on some players to.
It seems that they find it impossible to please everyone all of the time.
They probably are not allowed to give away any free time. By doing that they are and will lose customers though.

Anyway yes it could only please more people and that is a good thing in these grim times.

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I know what you’re about to say puny, dont bother.

I have zero interest in a reduced or free play offer. I am at home and looking for things to entertain.

The buff is doing just that. My monk went from 28 to 100 in no time and I’m having a whale of a time. The dungeons are full of people, all levelling taking advantage of this offer.

I am grateful they’ve chosen to do this, it actually gave me stuff to do.


If u herb 4 hours per day you will be a millionaire, not only one Token per month.

If you pick herbs you see while playing, and if you play a lot you make your Token while playing. No farming needed. And most ppl find making Gold hard cuz as soon as they have some, they spend it all on some unnecessary luxury.

Also i count 3 FREE games in bnet launcher, hearthstone, Heros of Storm and the new call of duty thing… So that gotta count for something. And you can play WoW for free if u got free time. If picking herbs is frustrating to some, there is also other means. But herbing is really relaxing.


Yeah old zones are full with people and dungeon que is super fast even as dps,feels like game is new :sunglasses:

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Indeed times are grim and yes as I mentioned previously its hard to do something that’ll please everyone and its hard to all in this, however if everyone does a tiny bit to help, I believe it will be easier for all of us to overcome those awful times.

yes 100% exp is great on its own, but its a marketing move, it only affects people who either have sub, or people who should resub to use this feature.

likewise, as mentioned in post above yours.

As pointed out, farm gold = free. If so much spare time now, non issue.


I could say

“Entitlement is unattractive”

simply to match your title.


We want free stuff because bad times.


There’s a few threads of similar online begging around. No need for a further one. But whatever.


there you go. you’re welcome.
Makes me wonder how some of people with literally 0 empathy survive out there but yeah, sad world we live in.

I don’t need any help with my subs, but I can understand that some need a bit of help right now.

Can you not do a boosting fundraiser or something for your mates?

I am paying my mates gametime next month.


yeah same :))
I had enough gold to keep me going for months, and I can make same amount in shorter period than most people if I commit to it.

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There you go. You are welcome.

If a company chooses to offer something then that is a really nice gesture. What isn’t nice is seeing all the demands and begging from people who feel entitled.

Blizzard have done something, they have given us a buff that speeds up levelling. Not everyone may want it but the sheer volume of people using it, I would say it’s generally been well received.


Blah blah. I own a couple of companies and we’re keeping all on our payroll for the foreseeable future despite taking a big hit.

Judge me further please entitled online beggar.


Show me one “demand”.

:joy: good job! hope your parents are finally proud of you now.

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