Green is Good During March’s Trading Post

Yeah same, didn’t wana pay 200-400kor whatever it is for the swords when I main a 2H class mostly. Happy to buy with my close to 10k traders tender though, lol

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Nice. Only sitting on 3K tender myself but this doesn’t seem to be an expensive month for me so I’ll end up with a net plus.

Ooh a new mount!!! Gimme!!!

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This is a lot of things I can’t have until March 2025… after I’ve saved up more tenders :dracthyr_cry_animated:

Honestly, I like most of these, but there is an annoyance associated with budgeting and having to choose 1/3 of the options. I guess I will freeze the mount or the skycaptain’s set, but still, geez. If I wanted to look at things I can’t afford, I’d go to a car dealership.

It’s probably to keep you checking each month and playing.

At least stuff does come round again. I do like how it’s displayed on the list as well, the repeats separated lower down.

I spend my tendies every month more or less.

It’s part of the plan, create demand, make the FOMO, and then coming to cash shop near you, tender bundles.

They already said they’re not doing that again for the forseeable future. Only big stuff (like the expansion pre-order).
They’ll probably keep doing the ‘you can buy this thing now or choose to wait until it comes to the trading post in a few months’ though.

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^^ This

Tbh I view the Trading Post more as just veteran rewards. It will all come around again and there is always new stuff being added.

I absolutely love the Sky-Captain’s Formal Attire! Well, maybe not the headpeice, but the rest is on point!

On a side note: Blizz, can You please add cloth/cosmetic eyepatch to the game? The only ones I know of are leather or mail (there’s also Captain Noteo’s Unused Eye Patch, a cosmetic eyepatch present in the game files since Shadowlands, but missing from the actual game).
Please, clothies want to look fearsome too! :frowning:

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Pointless endeavour if so, transmogs neither make nor break the game for me :sweat_smile:

Plus if I wanted to minimise sub time while maxing cosmetics (why tho?) I’d sub Feb 15-Mar 15, cancel for a month, re-sub Apr 15-May 15. Since subscriptions aren’t bound to calendar months, you can do 12 trading posts with 6 months of subscribed time.

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It’s not about ‘making or breaking’ the game. It’s about ‘enhancing the enjoyment’ of the game. And that’s what transmog (and cosmetic rewards in general) does for many other people (me included).

I agree, but the sheer amount of desirable stuff makes for a choice paradox and whatever I pick I feel bad for missing out…

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really boring month. another generic mount another generic full set and few miscancelous pieces.

nothing to be hyped about.

First of all a pet as full bar reward is a scam.

Secondly, prices were more affordable when this first started, now if I buy the mount and the 2h sword I lose 1000 tender… almost like you intentionally make it expensive so that you can sell tender Via cash shop next expansion :grinning:

I mean I have saved 8000 until now but no doubt most people are out of tender and they can’t buy what they want without paying soon :upside_down_face:


This looks great.

I’ve saved up some Trader’s Tender, so I’ll probably be picking up the Delicate Jade Parasol, Sky-Captain’s Formal Attire and the Skyborn Blades (I just wish they were 2-handers, but they will do for this Monk or my Rogue). :smiley:

I get where you’re coming from. I don’t feel the same way because so far I’ve been able to buy what I want (I guess it’s the upside of only playing hunter; it limits the amount of stuff I want). And for the rare thing that I can’t (or I just find a tad too expensive for now), I freeze it or just figure: It’ll come around again at some time.

I want the peafowl mount and the cute mouse pet

Is that…a bard costume…I…I ju-…GOOD LORD I NEED THAT!!!

But now give me the bard to put it on, please thanks Blizzard. :dracthyr_heart: