Greetings from "Intellectuals" PvP Community

Hi. Intellectuals is a friendly, community dedicated to Rated Battlegrounds and WPvP. We have players ranging from R1 in RBGs to those who are learning the game mode of 10v10. If you are genuinely interested in Rated Battlegrounds and wish to learn, or experienced in RBGs and wish to avoid toxic LFG, and/or want to have fun playing insane WPvP then you are most welcome to join us. We have both an in-game community with the same name as well as a growing Discord community. You can send a text to Drohokaal-Kazzak or Chakrvyuh-Kazzak or contact me at Discord on DocWoW#5355.


Commenting via an Alt to keep the thread up. I am getting quite a few direct contacts and we are happy to welcome new players to RBGs and WPvP. Would appreciate a comment or two here in this thread so that others can come forward as well and somehow the Devs can also feel (hoping against hope) that despite their continued ignorance of the 10v10 game mode, there are still a lot of players who are interested in the same

We have players from Hero ranking to newbies who are learning the early tricks of RBG fights. You are most welcome to connect and discuss and we will try to help out our best.

Hey if you have a discord server do you mind sharing it? Looking for more active pvp players for all content as my guild is pve focused

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Nice having you onboard. We look forward to engaging you in our runs.

Hey, I would love to join the discord and improve my pvp knowledge if that’s ok? Not a single person in my current guild plays pvp so I’m happy to switch over. Can you please send me a discord link?

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Hi. You are most welcome. You can connect me at doc_sunny at Discord

Hello! Is it possible to do RBG being myself an alliance player? Because I am interested in doing some rated pvp with a “regular” roster :wink:

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Highly motivated/skilled and kind pvper here :slight_smile: Id like to make memories together in pvp and also have fun ofc! I have 1.8k rbg exp and played arenas on 2.1k mmr.

Im a warlock that can adjust. For example demo for arena’s and affliction for rbgs :slight_smile:

Bt-net : iskater2#2127 lets chat n_n !

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Sent you a discord friend invite^^
My discord tag is Broitswiz

think I’ve already added you but can’t search you on my friends for some reason

Still recruiting?

Our discord is still in the early phases of development and I am personally available for any advice regarding rated battlegrounds. As far as forming a team is concerned, the process is on but takes a lot of time due to irl priorities. Anyone interested, is most welcome to join our discord.

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Still recruiting? I’m relatively new to pvp but i would really like to dive into RGBs

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Is this community still active?

I literally only play WoW for mounts and PvP now. Wish some extra work would go into content for PvP all round. I can deal with class changes. But the lack of general content is disappointing. Whilst solo queue does kill some time on nights I can’t commit hours to RBG etc… I just feel some work on Rated BGs is very much needed. Same as rewards, more options for weapons and transmits, more mounts. More PvP specific rewards all round and for different level of players. Certain mount for certain levels of PVP rating etc… just an idea. :innocent:

Added on discord, bump thread!

Hey would love to join for some RBG and 3’s action mm hunter at 1800 in solos atm 0 in everything else for an mmo wow does certainly feel lonely some days :frowning:

Hey, i would love to get started with some RBG Action.

I am playing since the open Beta but i never really got into PvP. I was always more of a raider.
Recently due to boredome i started playing some PvP for transmogs and started to like it. What i don´t like is random groups, so now i am looking for something more serious. Currently i am playing mistweaver monk and really enjoying it.

Bumping the thread as I re-enter WoW PvP after a long time. I would focus on WPvP and Duo Blitz. If you are interested, please connect on Discord or In-game as you feel comfortable.

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