I’m setting up a macro on my resto druid and have some troubles.
Currently I have this, which works perfectly on its own:
/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@target,help,nodead][@player]Cenarion Ward
Now what I would like it to do, is display a grey icon to make it visual when I don’t have the talent selected. The actual spell, while not in a macro does this on its own so I’d like to replicate that somehow, but I can’t figure out how to do it.
Any tips or suggestions would be appreciated
Unfortunately when you don’t know a spell the macro icon changes to ?, assuming that’s what you’ve set as the icon.
Cen’t realy be done with macros. Maybe it would be possible to fit all the code required to do that in a macro it wouldn’t run until you actualy use that macro. Everything you put in a macro runs only after you click it or press it’s bind. Still requires a lot of lua coding.
It would be much easier and much more elegant to use weak auras addon. You just create new aura icon, , select icon for the spell you want, make it desaturated and show up only when you don’t have specific talent selected. Then you adjust it’s size to the size of your action buttons and position it on top of the button where you have that macro.
Alternatively you could just make your own addon that would react to events that are called when you chenge talents. It would check if you know the talent and would modify the macro icon accordingly. It requires more learning in order to know how to do that and weak auras is pretty much an addon making kit where you can just click out all the forms to do what you want.
Not exactly what you wanted but:
/stopmacro [talent:1/1][talent:1/2]
/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@target,help,nodead][@player]Cenarion Ward
That will still display a ? when the talent isn’t selected.
Alternative is to use a different ability or at least show a different icon if you don’t have the CW talent
#showtooltip [talent:1/3]Cenarion Ward; Prowl
/cast [talent:1/1][talent:1/2] Prowl;[@mouseover,help,nodead][@target,help,nodead][@player]Cenarion Ward
There simply is no way using a macro to have the icon on your actionbar for an ability you don’t know.
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