Griefing in hardcore

Griefing and pulling mobs across zones is getting zo bad. That people now start announcing certain horde people in general chat when they pull mobs from other zones to elwynn or westfall on stitches. These people run rampant because it’s hard to report horde as alliance.

This has been happening since the last SoD patch and it creates a very bad low level HC experience that turns alot of people of from HC. I got 2 friends back into HC now it’s getting a bit more popular and they quit because they can’t control this stuff and this crap sucks to die to. It’s no risk for people that are level 40+ because they dont get impacted wich may explain the lack of outcry.

People doing this should be banned for griefing as blizzard announced they would act for. But clearly they don’t.


It’s not getting popular ERA is just as dead as before. Also I support those people that are doing that you deserve that for playing ERA.

Population on Stitches recently increased from Low to Medium, so it IS getting more popular.

In-topic: if their timing is as good as with everything else, those griefers will likely be around for several months before anything is done, sadly.

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I hope Blizz starts banning them soon. Sure is against the “rules of Engagement” they put up for HC


Play Nice, Play Fair

Gameplay that involves Zone Disruption and malicious player killing outside of consensual PvP will not be tolerated on Hardcore realms.

Wow, i havent seen such a jerk in a long time, get your s h i t together and then talk to people.


Talking to classic andys is not talking to people, its more like talking to animals.

A new SSF only server can solve many problems. Griefers are losers and most of them will never make it to 60 solo.

You can still group up, so yes they will.

Lots of ppl dont really stick to the SSF mentality. Seen plenty of lvl 35 warriors with WW axe. I´d like to know how they manage to get the required charms at that lvl. Kobold farm can´t be it as the drop rate is so horrendous. ergo they got mob tagged at the elementals by some high lvl = very ssf^^

Grouping, as I said.

When I say “SSF only Server” I also mean a server without grouping.
Otherwise I don’t need a new server from Blizzard and I could play on available servers.

That’s why refresh for HC doesn’t make sense either.
What we need is an extra server with SSF and no grouping.

Given the amount of people that play SF, i would argue that you could count the people who want that on one hand.

No grouping means no dungeons also. I would love such a server, as I love levelling by Questing and exploring, but I think I belong to a very small minority here :wink:

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Im not talking about grouping. Mob tagging is something different.

I know, but grouping is almost as efficient - and “legal” with the SF-buff.
If I were to decide, SF would mean no grouping, no help from others (including buffs), no incoming mail, no AH, and for the rest normal HC rules.

That’s a different story, but personally I would only play HC again with no grouping ruleset.
Boosting and help from other players is clearly not a solo challenge.

That’s why there are so many losers such as griefers on current existing HC servers.

You can play now and follow all the rules you want. Making a separate realm for a niché of a niché would be such a waste of resources, even blizzard would not be so stupid to implement that. It´s the same with that alleged fresh hc realm.

A fkn nice idea would be to start doing some actualy work to prevent botters and such. As we speak they are happily grinding away on Nek´rosh.

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First problem to fix: The broken leashing. The ability to kite mobs into capitals and elsewhere was not meant to be a part of HC, and has ony been like this since the latest patch. THEN onto botters and such.

I totally agree to this

and that is what I do. My reason for doing it via my own honour-encased ruleset instead of via the SF options, is mostly that I cannot bear to vendor the real nice BoPs that I find. I send them to an alt, COD vendor price and mail costs - he then can AH or use or whatever :wink:
Also I do not do any group content, or use any buffs except for my own.

Yes, we all can do this on Era too, without any official HC servers but that wasn’t my point.