I repost this becouse i received no answer for the first post i did, but this is the last i promise.
Yesterday i did a 16+ Grim Batol, where the we encountered a bug that resulted at the end that we did not receive our score for the run. The bug is, when you land with the drakes before the first boss, if the last drake lands and at the same time the mobs die from the drake attacks, the % can glitch out and not register in the counter. In our case it was 0.44% not registered at the end.
I would like to request that the score is being added to our profiles and the run changed to succsesful, as this is a pretty high achievement for all of us timing such a high key.
Sadly i can not post here links, but i have the whole run logged in warcraftlogs, where it is clear that all the thresh was killed that should give 100% count, but it was only 99.6% at the end - this is clearly a bug.
I have taken out the dot from the link, but you can check it at warcraftlogs to see all the proof needed.
warcraftlogs com/reports/8afBp7K9AzVqJgYh?fight=last&view=replay
I know here an answer is not guaranteed, but if anyone from the developers team sees this, please give me a feedback if we can receive our score for the run or not, becouse so far i just lost all will to continue play the game, it may come back at some point, but a reply would be great anyway.