In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Grim Batol in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
Shadowslayer, NE rogue. Looking for people from polish guilds like LowKick, Final, Whatever.
Also all of you pvpers out there, that I used to play on my way to rank 14!
I played on Burning Blade when Wow first started then we all moved to Grim Batol pretty much, there was a free migration.
There were 3 of us friends who always played together:
Haraldz, Haraldzz and Eone. We played in a guild that was first called Emoness then it merged with another guild(called Wipe) and the name was changed to ‘Faith’. We cleared BWL and did AQ40 and tried to proggres Naxxramas
I remember a few player names from the raids, Takumi/Delilah, Ceratic, Czardas, Eomérkon and Missne.
I remember the best guild on our server was called Balance and the guild leader was a Swedish guy called Grizzly, known as Grizzly loverboy. Some famous names on the server that belonged to AH-bridge standing people were: Grizzly, Fowl, Rageaholic, Flipperpt, Enigmia and Gigi
I forgot to specify the classes we played;
Haraldz - Human paladin
Haraldzz - Human priest
Eone - Night Elf druid
Looking for anyone from the guild “The Symbol” … lots of Portuguese people if I recall.
Sorcez - NElf male Warrior
Used to play in Eternum and momentum back in the days!
Looking for old friends!
Same name, same guild
Aqueilas Balance Grim Batol.
I am making my own guild on GANDLING PvP server [H] Primacy. Some old Balance members will prolly also join. We are currently around 50 people.
https ://primacy
https ://
(remove spaces, silly blizzard don’t allow links)
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i started in burning blade as alot of the others here.
I was a member of PACTO later The Nemesis. i will retry classic. Maybe someone from old times will show up!
Alkandro - Human paladin! Would love to catch up with old friends 
Night, NE Rogue. (Nightprowler on Burning Blade, before migration)
Aayla (NE Warrior), Primia (Gnome Rogue) & Taskman (NE Priest) - are you around?!
Would be fun to catch up with any of my old guild mates from Edge or The Alliance raid group (Easy Company, Righteous Crusade ++)
Fugaxo, Ismaster here from Nemesis
i will play on horde in classic 
Stormywrath - Night Elf - Druid
Scwirl - Dwarf - Warrior
Bigbad - Human - Mage
I remember you Night! This is Jormundgand from . Many good times, and many names I remember: Judia, Angeles, Karmulian, Draya, Xblade, Bowinana… the list goes on, and of course everyone from Bonnie. I currently play a Gnome Mage on Gandling. There is a Facebook group for The Alliance raid group, are you in it?
I’m still playing but very casual on Pyrewood village. Don’t have much time nowadays so most of it is on PvE with friends.
Wow so many names. Remember them all including Night ofc 
Had no idea there was a FB group for it.
My name was Dieseldog and I was a tank in Edge.
Now I play Tjusig on Mirage Raceway. Hello all.
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There was a guild by the name “night raiders” a casual raiding guild. my brother was playing as a warlock named “thered” . my brother say great things about the guild master of that guild as they had great times raiding together.
i hope that one day i find a similar guild in the game, it will be a great experience i am sure.
heya mate , actually i was the guild master of that guild
hope your brother is fine send alot of hugs to him .
Nice to see someone from Edge here! I was in the guild for a couple of years and I remember Harla (healer druid) and Ainea (priest). I played with my mage Elroyce.