Grimoire of the Shadowlands

There is a summary going around. I didn’t even make it through the summary. but I felt someone should like it here, so there you have it:

It’s so very, very hard to care about it.

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Good of someone to have collected and arranged it altogether, but seeing an uncomfortable… and i mean REALLY uncomfortable amounts of:

  • He/She/They/It thinks/thought…
  • It is speculated that…
  • Believes that…

Stacked with inconsistencies and plausible theories does not paint a fine picture of Shadowlands’ overall story map. Worse of all is the actual lack of factual information and reveals in that list >.< reminding one of the lack of actual impact or clout the story has overall.

No offense to the OP of that thread, but holy heck, it’s like looking at a crime scene board with an intense amount of suspects and red lines pinging back and forth than a comprehensive summary.

It is a broker’s fairy tail, basically.

It’s not written by a broker, though, but by paid writing staff. If this is supposed to just be one perspective and shouldn’t be taken as much of a lore source for anything, going with a Broker perspective is just a different kind of total failure. Who cares what they think? We’ll probably have forgotten them as soon as the next addon comes out.

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Can’t wait to hear from the Accountants next, the hip new npc race coming out in the next expansion.

I guess the point of it, being just bunch of myths and speculations, is for the writing team to have more wiggle room.
This way when they decide to retconn something it will provide them with an excuse “oh but Brokers perspective was fllawed that’s why…”.

Sure. I’m just saying if it is just that they kinda forgot to give anyone a reason to care. A Tauren perspective would have been just as speculative, but since Tauren are actually sticking around, people might have gleaned some world-building they cared for from it, for example. But how is “that’s what the Brokers think” supposed to grab anyone’s interest? Seems like throwing out the babe with th bathwater to me. Staying vague has its uses, but making the book totally irrelevant while doing so can’t have been the goal.

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Another source of compillations, including the Grimoir book, could be found here:

When it comes to the book itself, I find it rather ironic. It does not shy from snarky remarks and self praise which I am sure is supposed to be a broker PoV, although the kind of approach not really present in 9.0.

But at the same time in comparison to Chronicles (the 1st vol. at least) it’s a nothingburger. The book reuses a bunch of texts from the game, pre-release previews, like this one, bits from the Shadowlands collector’s ed. book, etc. Cosmology chart as other things has far fewer details. Where the Chronicles books are still discussed and quoted, Grimoir barely has anything other than vague hints at mysterious mysteries, all promises, next to no “meat” so to say (no offence to vegetarians).

Without art and repeated texts I feel like all the info from the book could be placed on like 20 pages. Is it worth the price, the wait, and poor communication around the release time - people can decide individually.

gl hf

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