Ground denial spells - S4 making me remember why I hated S1 so much

So, with S4 out today, we’re returning to the four DF dungeons that were present in S1 - Algethar Academy, Nokhud Offensive, Ruby Life Pools and the most annoying dungeon ever, Azure Vault.

The ground denial in these four dungeons, is insane. This design, is making me literally hate the dungeons I’m in. There’s so much going on, even during simple pulls. I find this super stressfull, and I’m not enjoying it one bit.

Can this please be addressed going forward? I get it, that it’s not classic or TBC, and that dungeons need mechanics, but what’s too much, is too much. On certain pulls & boss fights, you literally can’t look away for 1 single second, because there’s just constnatly something beneath your feet.


They addressed this several times already IIRC, last time was during the interview with Naguura. It’s basically an arms race between addon creators and the encounter design team, where addons are improving all the time, so encounters need to have more going on to counter this.
Now, you could say they should just adjust the API to limit what addons can and cannot do, but they say that there are a lot of people that do enjoy the more complex and difficult encounters, so they can’t just go back to a simpler encounter design without making those people angry. So, it’s a known issue, but I don’t think Blizzard has a solution for this conundrum yet.

Yes, i have been saying this since forever. Too many circles to dodge in DF dungeons. They are terrible and unfun to play (also has nothing to do with addons, imo).

I dont know what to say… Im kind of split because the alternative are easier pulls with less stuff going on…

But with things that TRUCK… like ToT from S3… or VP from S2…

I prefer things to not truck as much.

PS: And I say alternative because in that scenario (ToT and VP) making things hit for less is not an alternative. Its the equivalent of reducing the key level.

oh yeah . and healing is as brutal as it was in S1.

we basicly made a complete circle . did ruby +4. it feels exactly as +4 in S1 when i was in hc dungeon gear . and yes yes i know +4 is like +14.

but the feeling is exactly the same

peopel die to exact same things they were dying in S1 , people body pull exactly how they did in S1 people fail exactly the same mehcanics as in S1 , people dont use persoanals when they should exactly as in S1. people dont interupt impotant casts exactly like in S1.

god its a failure :smiley:

the only difference - no SBG / TJS to farm crests / gear to then chalenge DF dungeons :smiley:

try NO . you will see things really trucking ;D

it made me alrady rememebr why i quit that season after getting KSM :smiley: with pugs it will be just nightmare if you try to go for portals :slight_smile:

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I don’t mind there being a lot going on in the encounter as long as I don’t have to spend the entire time staring at a 26 button cooldown overview and 6 weakauras to figure out the state of my own character on top of that.

But I do.


I think having “too” complex encounters is better than having “too” complex classes. At least with encounters it is confined to players who play those encounters and therefore you can set skill requirements appropriately.

Whereas if you just make the rotation have 15 buttons and give a class 30 cooldowns, you’re affecting every single player no matter their level, which is much worse.

But if you have both it’s just pandemonium :smiley:

I had honestly forgotten how awful dragonflight dungeons were. A quick trip to nokhud offensive made me remeber it all too well.

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I just prefer less ground denial spells as a healer. You have to heal and often play whack-a-mole. When you have to dodge full time and cancel your casts the game becomes really fast less fun.

I will. I haven’t done all the dungeons yet.

But I just Puged AV8 and Uldaman7 (18 and 17 from previous seasons?) and I yoloed the dungeons. Not a single death.

With my CCs (was #1 in kicks) and interrupts, plus, a DH tank… mobs just don’t cast anything. Whatever the DDs do.

Dont know what to say. So far so good? :smiley:

But I remember NO from S1. The trash from the elemental boss trucked HARD… like crazy hard…

Definitely not.

I did +10 this morning and it didn’t feel anything like season 1.

it depending which dungeon you are doing.
from my perspective there are easy dungeons:
-brackenhide is basically super easy and almost require no healing at all if your dds are no potatoes

Then I had some hard ones where 1 was only super hard from healing, the others deleted people for minor fork ups.

Halls and RLP are the healer dungeons that needs so massive healing…
I played a +9 halls and did 300k HPS on the third boss, went oom and the boss was at 30% HP (no lust though), the first and second boss are also quite heavy on healing with the “low” dps we currently have

all other dungeons are really more mechanical and one shot rather than massive healing throughput dungeons.
People get hit and are instant dead, not work for healers :man_shrugging:

feel quite useless as healer outside a few encounters this season.

Simple fix is to ban combat addons like DBM, Big/Little wigs and Weak auras. Then there can be easier encounters.

Please read:

They did say this is not an option.