Group dragon races

Hi, our guild recently dipped our toes into the group dragon races, we made a event of it and even a little league with some gold for winners.

We all had great fun doing this and it’s a feature I hope that you will look more into and expand.

There is definitely room for improvement with the group dragon races though.

Visibility/awareness of them:

There is little to no awareness that they are even a thing (most of my guild didn’t know about them), no rules or information about maximum group sizes etc (we managed 11 people on our race night last night, but no idea if a cap etc)

The internet is also very thin on the ground with information about them, nothing about group sizes or even a list of the races has eluded me.

This is a great feature that people should know about and try, especially how popular it has been and with expanding dragon races to the old world.

A simple fix would be a NPC in the city saying/yelling… “todays multiplayer race is in …” or a quest that takes people there and has them queue up for a race.

More people that are reminded they are a thing, more people will queue up for them.

Another issue is queuing up for them, while flying there to be part of the race is the norm, having to wait for a race that most people don’t know about, leads up to them flying off bored before enough people sign up. (You have to stay close to the race to remain in the queue)

This could be solved by either increasing the range the “in the race” buff stays on the character so they could do other things in the zone while waiting.
Or introduce a queue/group finder system for it or open up group finder tool for the race.

Adding more group races would be great too even if just one per new zone/race area that you create

This system if implemented fully and has its potential realised could result in a new pillar of wow, dragon races, much like pet battles it’s a whole new way to play the game, you could have a league table, big group races and expand on it, a evergreen system.

But yer mostly it’s just fun and if could expand it and make people more aware that would be great

Cheers, Shorty

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