Group looking for a guild

Hi there,

We are a group of friends who recently moved to Ravencrest.
We are look for a guild that has AOTC as its main goal every tier and focus on decently high m+, unfortunatly we have no interest in mythic raiding anymore due to real life.

We are:

Blood DK
Frost DK (maybe shadow priest)
Evoker (either spec)

We all have plenty of raiding experience and also logs if interested.

Feel free to add Thoibur#2127 (Bnet) - Pheen#9828)

Try your luck with
[WoW Guild Cant Handle Progress @ Ravencrest :: WoWProgress - World of Warcraft Rankings](
You don’t need any logs and such to join the team Roger group. It is just a bunch of people casually trucking away at content and gets as far as it gets. So expect inefficent and chill raiding that goes 8/8 HC and into perhaps 3-5 bosses mythic towards the end of the tier.

Will see ya if I do :dracthyr_uwu:

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