So i just ran lfr on my alt tank and shield droped. Other tank needed on it despite having 470 ilvl shield equiped and when i said why, he tried to sell it to me for 50k. If you don’t see flaw in this stupid system then i don’t know what to say. This is horrible
Same thing will occur with PL, you would only not see the public roll with it.
Edit: I know, but you’ll see as soon as we get PL again that there will be people screaming in favour for GL again, this flip flopping has happened several times already.
There are notable differences, especially when it comes to items like weapons and trinkets. An example.
As a Shadow Priest if I want to loot healer trinkets I need to swap to a healer loot spec. In PL, this would mean I needed to swap my own loot spec and reduce the odds I could get any of the other items from the boss by adding another to the pool.
Now though, I can offspec roll on any items I want without the potential of losing the ability to loot / reducing the odds that I loot other items from that boss.
I’m not for or against personal loot or group loot, I think both have major flaws and think loot as a whole needs a major overhaul, just wanted to point out that PL and GL do have differences even beyond the psychological.
I am against removal gold trade between servers. I want to be able to trade anything including gold with friends. Sadly we are still far away from that as the mega server isn’t that big yet
Yea, whatever they’ve got going at the moment is subpar.
Holy palas rolling on and winning all the tank weapons was my fav in the last raid I did.
loot and spec table need change. I hate to lost my items.
Agree with OP. Also:
This. From a % drop chance perspective.
But IMO: If I had to choose between PL and GL in their current iterations, I would trade less chances of getting loot with PL for less drama. Unlike GL which is the opposite.
And I would leave it at PL for everyone. And improve PL from there.
I just ran Fyrakk (normal) and people who had 475 tier pieces needed on the coin, then started whispering people if they wanted to buy it for 15k.
Blizzard is pathetic actually implementing such a garbage unfriendly loot system. incompetence.
It also encourages more people to behave like this if they see others doing it. I am now thinking of rolling into normal Amirdrassil on my main 480ilvl, and selling off items to people who want to buy it. If thats the system, why not make use of it myself to make gold
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