Group of 2 looking for raiding guild


We are a “group” of 2 looking for a friendly guild to raid in TWW.

Both of us always played wow, every expansion, but never did any raiding outside of classic a few times as well as Phase 1 in SoD.

So our retail experience is limited to mount farms or Transmog runs, normal/heroic dungeons and your usual PvE stuff.

We both have multiple classes on 80 but our mains are Paladin (Ret) and Mage (Frost), and usually play in the afternoon/evening due to work.

We do have raiding experience in other games outside of wow like GW2 and FF14.

Some other probably important info:

  • Horde
  • Draenor

You can either contact me on:

Discord: tanaro_lul
Bnet: Zero#217833



Ithildin might be a good fit for you.
Have a look at our recruitment post and see if it could be a good fit: <Ithildin> | Recruiting raiders

I also added your btag.

Best regards,
Shacrain (Shacrain#2943)

We just might be the guild for you two!! Take a look and drop us a line!

Hey Zeroshield!

You might be interested in our guild The Raven Clan.

If you’d like to discuss some more details find me on discord @kerucqc

Here’s our recruitment post: <The Raven Clan> newly-formed, tackling all content from M+ to Mythic Raiding looking for Adventurers!